From burnout to balance: A path to healing women & children

Hi, I’m Lydia, and my journey toward healing and wellness has been shaped by my personal experience as a single mom, balancing the demands of family life while navigating chronic health challenges.

Back in 2009, when my marriage ended, I knew I needed to make a serious shift. My own health was suffering, and my kids were starting to experience their own challenges. I knew I had to find solutions that would address our health issues at the root, not just slap a band-aid on the symptoms. That’s when I discovered hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) and nutritional therapy.

I started using HTMA for my own health and eventually for my family. It wasn’t long before I saw the impact—my energy levels began to recover, my chronic fatigue eased, and my kids’ health started to stabilize. My youngest son, who had been emotionally reactive and constantly on edge, experienced a profound shift. What was once labeled as ADHD by others, I recognized as a pattern of depletion and imbalance in his body chemistry. Through HTMA, we worked on restoring his mineral balance, and I saw a whole new side of him emerge—calmer, more focused, and emotionally stable.

That experience inspired me to share this powerful approach with other moms. I realized that so many of us are struggling with our own health while trying to support our kids—and often, traditional approaches just don’t address the full picture. We’re dealing with chronic fatigue, gut issues, skin problems, respiratory challenges, and allergies—both for ourselves and our children—and yet, the solutions we’re offered don’t dig deep enough to truly heal.

I’ve spent the past decade learning, growing, and refining how I support others through HTMA and nutritional therapy. I’ve helped countless moms and kids rebuild their energy, balance their bodies, and overcome chronic health challenges by addressing the root causes of their issues, not just the symptoms.

My mission is simple: to empower you to take control of your family’s health by restoring balance and vitality in a natural, sustainable way. I’m here to show you that healing is possible, and it starts with understanding the body’s chemistry, nurturing it with the right nutrients, and giving it what it needs to thrive.

Whether you’re struggling with chronic fatigue, digestive problems, skin conditions, or immune issues, I’m here to help you and your family find real, lasting solutions so you can all live vibrant, healthy lives.

Want to learn more? Check out my blog & podcast where I dive deeper into my story and how I've helped families like yours heal and find balance. 

Why I had to put myself first as a single mom: a path to family wellness 

Reclaiming the health of our kids: a journey through HTMA, nutrition & holistic parenting


These days?

These days, when I'm not off hiking or foraging in the woods, or  creating magic in the kitchen; I’m consulting and coaching clients through a combination of nutritional therapy and my two favorite functional tests: hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) and BiomeFX for gut health.

I also mentor other practitioners on how to integrate HTMA into their holistic health practices.

Now that I’ve achieved vibrant health and freedom in my own life, my mission is to empower other holistic-minded women to know that not only is it possible for them too, but it’s also their right to live in vibrant health—starting now!

Are we a fit?

Perhaps you . . .

You care deeply about your health and the world around you. Maybe you’re someone who seeks natural, eco-friendly ways to live—whether that’s growing your own food, foraging wild medicine, or buying organic and local whenever possible. You might be a holistic practitioner, a healer, or simply someone who prioritizes natural ways to nourish and care for your body. Whatever path you’re on—thank you for caring about our world and our well-being.  


Like me, you may be concerned about what’s happening to our world. The shift away from traditional and indigenous ways of living to a fast-paced, tech-driven world that’s disconnecting us from nature. The toxins, the screentime, the chronic malnourishment we see as we continue to strip our soil and pollute our waters. You can feel the imbalance, the human suffering that’s growing, and you know there’s more to come.  


Amidst all this, you’re drawn to preserve the wisdom of nature and our connection to the Earth. You want to heal in a way that honors the old ways, a way that nourishes the body, mind, and spirit in harmony with the world around us.  


On Local:  

You love local, organic food and farmers markets. Maybe you have relationships with local farmers or even grow your own food. You cherish the uniqueness of your community—the small businesses, the local artisans, the flavors and culture that make a place special. You believe true wealth comes from community, from knowing your neighbors, from supporting the people who are doing good work.  


On Health & Food:  

You want to see a world where people rely on the Earth for healing, not corporations. You dream of cities filled with gardens, food forests, and backyard chickens. Your kitchen might have a well-worn copy of *Nourishing Traditions,* and you believe that traditional, whole foods are our best medicine. You trust Big Pharma less and less every year, and you feel compelled by the idea that our health depends on nourishing our bodies and the land.  


On Children:  

You believe kids should have unstructured time to play in nature. You question the system of schooling and long for a world where children’s unique gifts are recognized and nurtured. You dream of homeschooling or unschooling, or sending your children to a place where they can learn in a way that honors their creativity and individuality.  


Your Dreams: 

You dream of unplugging from the modern grind, living off the land with a community of like-minded people. You picture raising children together, sharing meals, and living in harmony with the Earth in a way that regenerates rather than depletes. You work hard for the possibility of this kind of life—where we honor the planet and each other in the most beautiful way possible.  


If you’re like me, you want to live as a creature, connected to the rhythms of nature, not as a machine. You want your health and your life to be an offering—one that nourishes and deepens your connection to this world and to the people around you. This work is about helping you do just that.

Feel like we might be a fit?

Here are 3 ways to get started

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Please book below and email a brief summary of what you are wanting to get clarity on when we chat. 

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Functional Nutrition: HTMA / BiomeFX

Ready to go beyond information into application and want deeper handholding, check out the functional testing options I offer below. 

Work with me

The women I work with

Many women come to me after years, sometimes over a decade, of trying various health protocols, seeing multiple practitioners, and searching for answers to persistent health challenges. They often struggle with gut imbalances, deep exhaustion, and issues like mold exposure, copper toxicity, or mineral deficiencies. These women have cycled through intense detoxes, parasite cleanses, and strict supplement regimens in an effort to heal their bodies, but the results never seem to stick. Instead, they end up feeling more depleted, both financially and physically, with little to no sustainable improvement.


Digestive issues are a constant thread among them—whether it's chronic constipation, diarrhea, or unpredictable reactions to food. Many of these women have a long history of antibiotic use, often prescribed for recurring infections or common ailments in their younger years. Unfortunately, this overuse of antibiotics has wreaked havoc on their microbiomes, leading to yeast overgrowth, gut dysbiosis, and a host of ongoing digestive complaints. Despite trying detox protocols or synthetic supplements to address these imbalances, they’re often left feeling worse, dealing with side effects like heartburn, bloating, or even weight gain.


In their search for healing, many of these women have been prescribed high-dose supplements—sometimes costing hundreds of dollars a month—or have been placed on extreme, one-size-fits-all protocols aimed at "forcing" their bodies to detox or balance. Whether it’s aggressive therapies for gut issues, restrictive diets, or intense treatments for mold and toxicity, the result is always the same: temporary progress followed by setbacks. They feel trapped in a cycle of hope and disappointment, exhausted by the endless attempts to push their bodies toward health without ever resolving the deeper issues.


By the time these women come to me, they’re often at their breaking point, ready to abandon the aggressive "kill, bind, and sweat" mentality that has dominated their care for years. They’re no longer looking for quick fixes or harsh cleanses. What they need is a gentle, sustainable approach that focuses on replenishing their bodies rather than depleting them.


My approach resonates with these women because it’s centered on slow, intentional rebuilding. I focus on mineral balancing and gut nourishment, helping them restore their microbiomes and address digestive imbalances without adding more stress or overwhelm to their already burdened systems. Together, we work to restore their health from the inside out, at a pace that allows their bodies to heal without force or pressure. They’re seeking long-term solutions that focus on gentle replenishment and true, lasting healing—moving away from the cycle of temporary relief and relapse that has defined their journey for so long.


For these women, the shift to a more personalized, patient, and nourishing approach is often the key to unlocking deeper healing—helping them regain energy, resolve their gut issues, and finally break free from years of struggle.

What Clients Are Saying...

"I have learned to listen to myself. As I break away from old habits (people pleasing, pent up emotions, feeling like I am not good enough, self-doubt, self-sabotage, etc.), I am re-discovering who I am and who I have always been. I love that person! My emotional state is so much better which has had positive effects on my health in my personal life as well as my professional life. My skin has cleared ( I had rosacea for at least 10 years). I handle everyday stresses much better. I use to fly off the handle at the least little thing, but not anymore. I don’t stumble out of bed to make that first cup of coffee in the morning, my heart racing, albeit I am not completely awake. I no longer rely on caffeine (coffee and chocolate) to get me going and to keep me going. I no longer overeat out of pure boredom. I am more body conscious. Also, I now truly believe people can change, we do not have to be the person we have always been, we do not have to be the ideas we have always believed in. Change is good, being stuck is not. Lydia you're my hero! Thank you so much for the caring and time you put into your clients! I really appreciate you! "

Julie Thorn

"You have helped me find my energy and health again so that I can the best mom possible to my girls. Who knows where I would be now had I not followed your protocol. I have learned so much and will never go back to doing things the way I did before regarding my health. Thanks for all your good care !! " ~ Lisa

"I am so, so grateful for the work Lydia and I have done together. When I first reached out to her, I had just come out of life-threatening autoimmune flare-up that had destroyed my digestive system. Her recommendations for diet change and supplements were spot-on...within a few days of an elimination diet, I felt a THOUSAND times better. And it kept getting better from there.

I was absolutely shocked to find that there were so many things I had been eating that were causing massive issues, gluten chief among them. Lydia was so great at helping me navigate totally new waters - I felt like I had to learn an entirely new culinary language, and she supported me with her wonderful depth of knowledge along the way.

My body has changed dramatically - I can't even begin to count the number of people who have said to me, "You look so much healthier!" since I have been working with Lydia. In fact, I am eating breakfast as I write this, and just looking at my plate tells me how far I have come...I used to eat a bagel and cereal every morning. This morning, my plate is filled with a beet and sweet potato hash, eggs cooked in ghee, and homemade turkey sausage. I no longer have blood sugar swings, my skin looks better, I have a ton of energy, and I am very close to my target weight. I am so grateful!" ~ Amy


"Lydia was willing to challenge any issue that appeared for me and she did it well. Since meeting Lydia online in June 2014 and starting to work with her, I have done nothing but positively progress toward my goal of optimum health. I have learned more than I think I even realize at this point and I continue to learn daily it seems. I am eliminating the unhealthy learning and toxic buildup from the past mistakes and replacing with effective strategies for improving and maintaining my own health. I take no prescribed medications and no over the counter drugs at this point in life and I am thrilled about that! I'm in the midst of balancing my mineral ratios through a short-term supplement protocol in response to the HTMA (Hair Analysis).

I feel healthier and stronger every day and I am now able to exercise again but do it to benefit my body not punish it as I had in the past. I am hopeful again and looking forward to life with my family for some time to come. THANK YOU, LYDIA! I highly recommend Lydia's thorough education and sensitive coaching to anyone who wants to start a journey to wellness." ~ Heather

Contact Lydia

Get in touch with Lydia: [email protected]


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