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PODCAST: Excess Copper's Effect on Your Digestion and Gut

In this episode, I"m picking back up with my series of podcast episodes on copper. Go back and start with episode #18 if you haven't been following along. That shared I'm digging in to how excess imbalanced copper can wreak havoc on your digestion and gut over time. 


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

People with excess copper stored in their body very often will also have gut concerns, including candida and yeast. Excess copper allowed to continue leads to mineral burnout that leaves your body unable to properly produce hydrochloric acid in your stomach. This reduction in HCl leads to poor nutrient absorption, gluten sensitivity and yes even leaky gut. If you don't know what leaky gut is or why it matters, go back and read my post; '8 Signs You May Have Leaky Gut'.

One of copper's roles is that of an anti-fungal, and when it is in the right balance in your body, it helps to control fungi, yeast or candida in the gut. 

However, with excess or toxic levels of copper, the copper is mostly in a bio-unavailable form stored deep in your tissues and even organs. So it is not able to serve it's role in controlling candida, yeast, or other parasites. Therefore copper excess on top of an anaerobic GI environment allows candida, fungi, yeast, parasites and bacteria to flourish. I explain more how your GI environment gets out of it's appropriate pH in the podcast.

So...why am I talking about copper so much?

Since copper is connected to many prevalent issues the women I work with face, I want to highlight it for you. The women who come to me in burnout; struggling with a myriad of things that present as ‘total body meltdown’. They are experiencing lack of energy or a wired but tired feeling, so more of an unstable consistent energy, erratic moods, anxiety, depression, libido, skin, hormonal imbalances-cycle issues, ovarian dysfunction, hair issues, bones, inflammation, immune health AND even GUT DYSBIOSIS and poor digestion

And because it’s not understood in most holistic health circles as a root cause that it is both PREVALENT or connected to all of those things I just listed.

In order to help exhausted women get their spark back I want to share how the body melts down so you can stop piece-mealing your health and dig into supporting your entire system and self (mind/body/emotions).

Now, I would love to hear from you... have you ever wished there was one test that could show you where your health is at and what to do about it? Share in the comments below…

If you are ready to get clearer answers on how to support your own health and your body so you can make the right supplement and lifestyle changes: I invite you to sign up to work with me as a client through HTMA. You can get all the information as well as sign up on my Work With Me page HERE.

If you are a holistic health practitioner and would like to learn more about minerals and how to integrate HTMA into your holistic health practice - you can learn more about my program: The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart right HERE.

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