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How To Have Glowing Youthful Skin In Your Forties

beauty freedom and flow Aug 23, 2018

I'll be 44 next week and as a woman in my 40's, I'm starting to really pay more attention to my skin. You see, it's common as a woman in your 40's to start to have tiny lines appear around your eyes, forehead, and crow's-feet start to set in. Even brown spots or broken capillaries may start to show up and your pores could look larger.

That said, you can do a lot to care for your skin and keep that youthful glow every woman truly wants. I am sharing my secrets with you today. Ready?

Diet Tips for Glowing Youthful Skin

First and foremost, healthy skin starts from the inside out. What you put in your body will show up through your skin.

It's important to stay hydrated to keep your skin glowing and rid your body of toxins. Just increasing your water consumption and staying consistent can give your skin that look of radiance.

Consuming a clean real food diet with plenty of fresh veggies and fruits, preferrably organic, will also be key.

Fresh greens like arugula, kale and collards oxygenate the body and skin unlike any topical you can apply. Protein provides skin cells with the building blocks they require to turn over effectively and maintain hydration.

Doing a seasonal cleanse can also help you remove excess built up toxins and revive your skin if it's start to feel dull and lifeless, or dry and problematic.

Supplements for Glowing Youthful Skin

Supplementing your healthy diet will help as well. Some key supplements I personally use include:


I’m sure you’ve heard of collagen – it’s in your skin! You know, it’s that essential component to your skin that keeps it looking young and fresh. Collagen is found in your joints, bones, skin, hair and just about everywhere in between. Collagen is a type of protein that helps to give your skin the ability to move, stretch and rebound into shape. It is essential for not just your health, but ultimately, your beauty.

By age 21, collagen diminishes 1% per year and by age 30 the signs become visible.

I eat collagen rich bone broth pretty regularly in my soups and stews year round. But, I also use collagen as a supplement for convenience when I can't get it in my diet as frequently. I use it in my coffee, smoothies and various other ways. I try to get collagen into my diet every day if possible.

Vitamin C

Whole food vitamin C (as opposed to ascorbic acid only supplements) helps you to generate collagen. It's also really important for your adrenal glands which are one of your bodies main energy glands, having optimal energy helps your body to keep regenerating your skin too.

Not only do I try to eat foods rich in vitamin C daily, but I also supplement. Since your body can't make or store vitamin C and uses it quickly, it's important to do both. Especially, if you have a stressful lifestyle. This is the whole food C supplement I use and take one capsule twice per day spread out.


Silica supports healthy hair and skin by playing a crucial role in the production of collagen and glycosaminoglycans, which promote your skin’s elasticity. Essentially, this means that being deficient in silica can speed up signs of aging. And as you may know, since I've worked with hundreds of women through hair tissue mineral analysis I've seen silica deficiency to be common. In part, because we need it to helps remove heavy metals from the body as well, which everyone has. I love BioSil  5 drops twice daily just for maintenance of your skin.


Lifestyle Tips for Glowing Youthful Skin

It truly takes a whole spectrum healthy lifestyle to support that radiant glow. Here are a few key habits to include.


If you waking up looking tired with dull skin, listen up buttercup; you probably need more quality sleep. They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing. Your body boosts blood flow to the skin while you snooze, which means you wake to a healthy glow. Skimp on sleep and your complexion can look drab, ashen, or lifeless. Shoot for 8 hours of sleep a night, from 10 pm to 6 am generally speaking. If you have trouble sleeping, that's a topic for another day (stay tuned)!

Protect Your Skin

Play it safe in the sun and protect your skin. I wrote more about how to do that exactly in this post; 'How to Practice Safe Sun Exposure for Healthy Skin",  along with what I use on my skin when I'm in the sun. The sun is both your friend and your enemy when it comes to your skin, it's important to have a strategy. Trust me, as you age, you WILL CARE about this (I never did when I was younger, sadly).

Cleanse Your Skin Daily

Wash your face twice a day, I know you're busy, but it takes minutes.
In the summer I use a toner because it's easier for my skin to get sweaty and grimey.
I use a simple oil cleansing method in the summer. Either just coconut oil, or castor oil and a drop of Dr. Bronner's liquid castile soap. On days when I'm lazy or tired, I've been using these one step makeup remover wipes and they are fantastic.

Safer Skincare & Beauty Products for Glowing Youthful Skin

I highly recommend you only use safe skin care and better beauty products. Remember what you put on your skin, your body will absorb. In the U.S. beauty products are highly unregulated and can have numerous toxic ingredients in them. In the long run, this will dull and age your skin.

After you cleanse your face and skin you need to rehydrate it, since most water has chlorine in it (unless you have a whole house water filter system) and can dry out your face. Try a hydrating mist or gentle moisturizing lotion. *Note: another reason to take vitamin c is to help you combat the chlorine you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Here are some of the products I use on my face regularly, keep in mind I have normal skin.

CounterMatch Adaptive Moisture Lotion

This lotion is what I use for my face and neck after I wash my face with the oil cleansing method every morning, and most nights before bed too. A little goes a long way and I seriously LOVE how soft and smooth my face feels.

Countermatch Intense Moisture Serum

OMGEE, I love this serum. My face is so dewy, soft and smooth after using it. AND, it's got some vitamin C, E and antioxidants added in. I use it after my mask on my face, neck and chest, and just a tiny bit daily after my morning face washing routine so my face glows all day! And one bottle lasts a long time!

Charcoal Mask

l use this mask for 10 minutes once a week to help purify my complexion.

I love it because it deep-cleans and balances, absorbing excess oil and drawing out impurities. Activated charcoal minimizes the appearance of pores, giving skin a smooth, refined appearance. Afterwards I use my serum and then adaptive moisture lotion, it's a winning combo to help my face feel fresh and youthful!

Those 3 products are my top go-to's for a radiant complexion. The overnight resurfacing peel is the next thing I am going to try to help with small dark skin spots and pigmentation on my face. I'll keep you posted in a future post how it goes for me personally. I have only heard rave reviews so far.

If you would like to enjoy glowing youthful skin by using safer skincare and beauty products, check out my Beauty Counter store right here. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions or email me: [email protected] . I'm happy to connect more to support you with any questions you may and help you find what you need.

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