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How To Shift Your Mind When Your Health Is Struggling

mindset Nov 07, 2018

I used to feel so helpless when my health was struggling. If I allowed myself to dwell on how poorly I felt, I'd end up going down a dark twisted path in my thoughts.

Self pity. Victim mindset. Embarrassment. Shame. Depression. Those were all some of the feelings I spent a lot of time getting familiar with over the years when my health was struggling.

While all those feelings can be very really and seem valid, the problem for me was dwelling on and staying stuck with them. That place of 'being stuck' was me giving away my power and only kept me experiencing the lack of what I really wanted.

In my last post, How To Focus Your Mind To Reclaim Your Health & Energy, I shared how my body came crashing down hard after I separated from my husband and started the divorce process. Let me tell you, things were ROUGH.

I suffered from anxiety every night and panic that he would somehow come back in the house. It took me a whole month of trying EVERYTHING to get myself to sleep without the relenting fear.

I could barely drag through my days with all 4 boys (ages 2, 4, 6 and 10 at the time). I suffered from extreme reactive hypoglycemia, and nearly passed out numerous times. I became a slave to my bodies weaknesses. I needed to eat every 2 hours or more to avoid a crash. I could never satisfy my hunger. My vision struggled. My balance was off many times I was scared to even drive a car. I couldn't go into a large building without a snack and a huge water bottle or the lights would cause me to get dizzy and my vision to blur.

And that's only a piece of it. The reality was, my body was finally crashing from all the trauma I had been through. And it took many years before I ever felt stable.

Somehow, I found courage most days to keep going. I honestly do not know how. But when you are a mom, you have some kind of deep reserve of strength you never knew you had.

There were many days though, I wanted out. I wanted to be rescued. I wanted to cry, scream and rage, many times I did. I felt like my body was rejecting me. I'd spend hours talking to a few close girlfriends dumping all my woes. Yeah, I had plenty of pity parties for myself.

While it took some time, I did eventually learn how to shift from the 'struggle mindset', so I could focus my mind to reclaim my health.

Be Gentle With Yourself In Spite Of Your Struggles

What I learned looking back was that my health struggles were real, they were valid. It was really crucial for me to acknowledge this instead of try to pretend to anyone or myself that I was okay. I had to get over my own embarrassment and shame for what happened to me and how I ended up in such a terrible situation.

I had to learn to be gentle with myself. I had to move past the self-pity because, let's be honest when is self-pity ever useful?

I found when I was able to acknowledge my struggles, instead of hide from them or wrestle with them to exhaustion, loving myself came easier. Otherwise, the self-sabotaging behaviors would set in and steer me away from what I really wanted. Either that, or I'd bury things I should not have to keep holding on to.

It's as simple as saying; learn to let go. Though I will admit it took me FOREVER to begin to embody that and to find it easier to shift and truly surrender.

The truth: we all have times where moving forward seems difficult. There are certain times when we are literally physically impaired or lacking to some degree. Instead of being ashamed when you struggle, be gentle with yourself, and love yourself anyway.

Focus On What Is Possible

Even when you lack physical energy, necessary resources, acceptance or even societal support you can choose to focus on what is possible for you.

I experienced all of those things. No energy, drained to the core. Living on welfare with no income and barely enough money to scrape by. Lack of acceptance from others who thought I should stay with an abusive man because divorce was wrong in their eyes. Not to mention, struggling to love and accept myself in spite of my perceived failings. Dealing with societies inability to support or understand how incredibly challenging it is for single moms to get back on their feet.

Being told to get a full time job AND go back to school at night from people who never had to do ANYTHING like it - was incredibly painful and not supportive. So, yeah, I felt the lack of it all and I could have continued to see only the lack, but I chose to shift.

I chose to redirect my attention to the light, to what was possible to what my heart craved deep down. Even when things seemed incredibly hard , I found ways to support myself and re-direct myself towards vitality.

I encourage you to consider the same.

When you experience rejection and lack, it is natural to struggle. Yet , it's important to validate and honor your difficult experience. Not to dwell incessantly on them or make them out to be worse than they actually are.

The truth is we all have times when our suffering truly is of a severe magnitude. If we are honest and wise we can see this as part of life, these inevitable bumps in the road. It's important to keep your perspective and no matter how dire things seem, remember to do what you can to keep facing the light.

Focus on possibility, instead of your circumstance.

Sometimes it's good to look at where you are experiencing deprivation, and realize it's entirely possible that your struggle is caused by your own perception of deprivation. Your own choosing to hold onto things that you can let go of.

Here's my question: Are you giving yourself the support, encouragement and inner resources you need? It may also be necessary to look outside the box. There is goodness to seek, always light at the end of the tunnel, if you remember to place your focus there.

This Too Shall Pass: Always Ask For Help!

If you truly are in a situation largely outside of your control, remember that it won’t last forever. Energy ebbs and flows. Hard times come and go. Do what you can, and don’t forget to ask for help! Others want to see you thrive.

May I remind you to also prioritize your spiritual wealth. It is easy to fall into a scarcity mindset, and life becomes very draining when we set up camp there. What will support you not only in a material or physical sense, but also in a spiritual sense?

I really believe you get to choose to look towards those things. When you focus on seeing potential, you’ll start to find resources in unexpected places.

Remember: what you focus on grows.

If you are ready to overcome burnout and  emotional overwhelm so you can get back to fully enjoying your life and pursuing your passion, I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me today. We'll get on the phone and discuss your happiest outcome for your health and dreams right now, and if I believe I can support you in that, I'll share how.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Are you struggling with your health and realize your mindset can make all the difference in how you experience things? How can you choose to be more gentle with yourself right now if your health is not where you want it to be?

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