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Happy Super Full Moon in Virgo (my sun sign) !!! Today I was encouraged to express a side of myself that I normally don't share. My free spirited side.

So, here she is ...

The only time I ever dyed my hair in my whole life.

I think I was 20.

I've always loved this photo because

Feisty, fierce, passionate, a little silly, empowered, daring, bold.

I was working on a portfolio and working with a photographer named Kevin Brown at the time. He had me me step WAY out of my comfort zone in so many of the shoots we did together.

And as scary as it felt, and as I secretly judged myself, he helped me push away all that crazy chatter and feel so comfortable letting myself be SEEN, EMPOWERED & FREE!

The photos we took together helped me to embrace the 'why not me' story and let myself go and just be and just express myself and have fun!

I think so many times we take life so seriously, we hold ourselves back and don't shine our souls out for the world to see. We shrink -we feel small, unworthy...

When really we can get out of our own way and be FULLY who we are, which by the way in case you didn't know is AH-MAZING!

And I really strongly believe the world needs more women to come alive -now more than ever- to step out of their comfort zones, share their gifts -even if they seem 'out there'.

I'm holding space for you ladies, if you are looking to expand -break out of your shell. Be empowered, lit up and truly live in your purpose.

I know you want to be SEEN, really seen. Maybe not in public in front of large groups of people, you want to be seen for the real you. The you that is hiding underneath but really wants to show her sassy fire side. Her true character and be not only accepted for it but adored even. The you that feels like HOME.

You want to be empowered to have the confidence and clarity to live as you how you feel most aligned, most content, most free. But for some reason instead, you feel scared, held back or resist showing your true self to others and worse, yourself. You hide yourself from yourself because you don't feel free to be YOU unapologetically.

I know, because I lived my whole life that way.

It stems from deep inner child wounds all the way back. But do you know what, I worked through that. The trauma, the abuse, the neglect. I remembered the little girl who was free, albeit it fleeting moments here and there. The little girl who was never meant to fit into other people's idea of who she should be. The free spirit whose hair never stayed neatly put in the braids her mom put in each day before school. The girl who sat bored at school not content to just 'fall in line' because that's just what you were supposed to do. The girl who got sick of men thinking they could just treat her like an object for their own 'use'. The warrior single mom who said 'eff it' and didn't get a job outside the home because she wanted to be there for her kids and not burn the heck out. The woman who chose herself, time and time again in spite of what society and others deemed fit for her.

Bottom line: You were born to be authentically YOU. The world needs the light that is inside of your soul -it's called your essence. And in some way, that beautiful glow that only YOU have was intended to help others, change the world even.

Here's the thing, one person can make an incredible impact, but the truth is we are all connected. Every time a women steps into her full glorious shine, liberated, not giving a fuck about what others think -she liberates others.

She believes in herself. She owns herself. She exemplifies freedom for all!

The way to show up for not only YOU, but the good of the entire planet is to get out of your own way. Get out of your comfort zone - it is SAFE! I absolutely promise! Feel the fear (it's just your brain trying to keep you safe) and go for it anyway! Hear the inner bullshit dialogue and love yourself anyway.

I couldn't do this on my own for much of my life. I needed Kevin Brown to inspire me with his words to feel empowered to be SEEN in those super fun photo shoots we did back in 1994.

I needed a coach, a mentor. And I've needed one many times since in my life, to help lovingly push me to step out of my own way.

Before I wrap this up, let me overcome an objection here.

I'm talking about a woman who is truly connected to helping others with her unique self and gifts. I know we all know bad examples of women who have taken advantage of their 'power' or their fame. Women who have made us doubt. Or maybe 'ruined it for us'.

But I am not talking about THOSE women. They are coming from a place of lack and not love. YOU and I, we are committed to LOVE first -from that place is where we operate. That's your come from! LOVE!

Don't let other women didn't come from love hold you back from stepping out and up. Don't use it as an excuse to NOT be so liberated nothing can stop you.

You are different my loves! You are the real deal. You're doing the inner work. You worry about this because you actually CARE, if you didn't you wouldn't worry about hurting others by being a witch with B.

Empowered women treat others well, with respect, love, strong boundaries. They don't abuse others. They rise and they encourage others to come along with them.

Believe in yourself and show yourself fully, it's the only way we can all make a difference and love our collective home (Earth) back to life!

I empower women to shift out of overwhelm, uncertainty and breakdown into more confident, thriving and balanced lives – body, mind, soul.

I help women create, cultivate and sustain their own transformation and growthI’m all about diving deep and doing the inner work to transform your outer life. I’m all about radical self-love  – making the deep-down, heartfelt changes so you feel really, really good…If you are too, then let’s make magic together! Book Your Breakthrough Session With Me Today!

Now, I would love to hear from you... have you struggled with feeling held back in your life? Did this post resonate with you in any way? Share in the comments below…

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