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Abundance Is What Happens When You Choose To BE YOURSELF

abundance mindset self love Feb 02, 2019

*Note: Listen to the podcast episode of this post here.

Abundance is on my mind lately.
It’s a word that I’ve learned to redefine.

It starts with tapping in YOU, into an internal sense of self-approval.

And all of your glorious unique magnificence my dear ones.

Let’s discuss, shall we?

You see, I believe that abundance is what happens when you CHOOSE to unabashedly BE fully your complete fabulous self. And you can only BE fully you, after you have accepted the youness of YOU. Every ounce and inch and nuance of your complete whole self & life.

After all, there is No one alive who is youer than you!  (...thanks Dr. Seuss).

Holy shizz buckets my friends, that may seem a tall order but it’s a necessary one. Here’s why...

Self-approval is incredibly important because no triumph in life will fuel you for the long run if you are only operating on the external approval of others. I know for a lot of us, this is uncharted territory. Scary even.

Why? Because self-approval is an invitation to YOURSELF to connect to your inner badass. The part of you that makes NO APOLOGIES for who you are.

It’s unconditional love of yourself.

Unconditional Self-Love

Okay, so how does self-love lead to abundance?

First of all, I believe abundance is a mindset. I believe abundance is an energy, a vibe. I believe within YOU and within ME, abundance already resides and exists. We just have to tap into it.

I shared in my last post about my breakthrough to shifting my biz. One of the big things that helped me was to believe in myself. To believe I already had SO MUCH to offer the world. 

Most of my life, I lacked confidence in my own abilities and gifts. I compared myself to the way the world views ‘success’ and since I didn’t fit the mold, I often assumed I wasn’t anything or anyone all that special. It’s hard being an INFP in and ESTJ world for one thing. It’s also hard being brought up conditioned by religion to believe you are so unworthy. Those things surely did not help my self-confidence.

LACK of confidence causes you to live in a 'state of lack' to varying degrees or another. Lack of confidence does not foster abundance. It make abundance seem unattainable. Like you have to beg for it or worse that you will just never experience it.

One thing I learned, as a single mom and soulpreneur, is that I had learn to soar because it was my true nature. Many times I couldn’t wait around for other’s approval or permission to rise up and do what I need to. Thank goodness too because it helped me learn to tap into my inner strength!

One thing you absolutely need to learn, that I learned through the challenges I faced both a single mom and an entrepreneur, is how to FIND your confidence, self-assurance and see your success as a non-negotiable.

Confidence is your birthright. Why? Because you are honestly the only person who is an expert at being you.

And, may I add, being YOU is a friggin' miracle and a gift to the entire world.

It’s helps to BE OPEN to receiving and not let anything stand in the way of your success to live in abundance. I am proud to be a single mom of 4 boys. I now know that it’s because of who I am that I was able to overcome all the adversity along my path. And step into abundance, not as our culture may frame it. ?

And the same is true for you, you have your rising up empowerment story too my friend. Share it, be proud of who you are and your inner strength. This is how you can experience all kinds of abundance in life.

Abundance in life looks like you enjoying all the facets of your life. It's you creating what you want in life, how you want your life to look and feel and go.

Abundance includes your experiences, your relationships, your ability to express your thoughts, opinions, values, needs, wants. Abundance is you enjoying nourishing delicious food and feeling good in your physical body. Abundance is a healthy libido and pleasurable sex life. It's loving your whole life, all the areas, even if they aren't all perfect but they are enjoyed and flowing truly.

Abundance = bountifulness, plentifulness, a profuse amount, pouring forth liberally.

To me, when you understand YOUR immense value and LOVE yourself unconditionally - out of that foundation can flow an endless supply of many beautiful things.

Think about the more you love the more love you can contain. It's like when you become a mother and can't believe you could love your child as much as you do. Then you worry when you are about to have another that you won't have enough love to go around but you find out not only that you do, AND that it seems to grow even bigger and more vast.

It's when you believe there is always more love and understand it just is, you can trust that there is always more abundance and even 'wealth'. Abundance and wealth are often equated synonymously. If you think about it, wealth is more vast than just actual money. So is abundance.

There is an endless supply, you just have to tap on in after first trusting and believing that it's possible to be incredibly abundantly loving, loved and even wealthy.

I used to fixate on how bad things were, how little I had in all areas of my life. The lack, scarcity, inadequacy. Thankfully, I got over allowing those to be my personal experience and story. It took some deep inner healing, processing grief and emotional detox for me to step into and own my worthiness and love myself.

I began to train myself to look for the light in the world, look at the example of nature and SEE only abundance. I swear it's a shift you can make too when you are ready.

Say NO to drama and martyrdom!

I fed those stories FOR YEARS, heck for of most of my life.

While it’s good to be realistic about your struggles, it's also good to check yourself to see if you’re exaggerating things and feeding into a lack mindset in any area of your life.

Remember that you (as we all are) are a work in progress. Enjoy where you are now, and continuing the fine work of building a life that is just right for you.

Success is within your reach! You can choose to allow abundance to flow towards you and receive it with an open heart. The security of this truth is yours for the having!

5 Simple Tips To Help You To Live More In Abundance

Living in abundance is simply you enjoying the fullness of your life from the inside out. Here are just a few simple tips for you to consider to incorporate in your life. But first remember, abundance is already yours because it comes from within you. And as you live in this you will experience it more in your life. Abundance will flow more freely when you are living from source.

1. RECEIVE compliments and gifts completely with gratitude.

This is something I struggled with. It can feel awkward but it's so important to actually RECEIVE when you are given anything generously. Say thank you and don't go into a story about how you don't deserve it. You would not want others to do that when you give to them.

Giving and receiving are yin and yang. They are the equivalent of the infinity symbol. They loop back and forth, neither side larger than the other, both integral to the larger whole.

When you receive you are allowing others and the Universe the pleasure and joy of giving. You are allowing for an appropriate equal FLOW of natural energy. Be willing to receive anything that supports you in any way.
Receiving is the most important opening to manifesting abundance.

2. Ask for what you need!

Love for self includes getting your needs met. Part of receiving includes asking. Remember you don't have to be a martyr, that can just lead to resentment. Remember you are SO worthy of being nourished. It may take some vulnerability, and even some inner work to know what you truly need in the first place -but don't dismiss or give up.

3. Affirm Yourself!

Be wary of your inner mean girl. She'll try to fill you with self doubt and stories of lack. Remind her you are safe and loved and worthy! You can use affirmations or mantras, to help train your mind to shift. They can help you overcome self-sabotage and lies about yourself.

4. Create a new daily practice where you consciously recognize abundance all around you.

This creates a snowball effect of sorts. The more you see it the more you will see it and experience it. This practice can be a part of your daily journaling, just like your gratitude practice.

5. GIVE generously in ways that YOU can

it does not have to be monetary giving. It could be giving compliments to everyone. Giving support, encouragement, giving of your time, your knowledge, your creativity. Any way you want to GIVE of yourself to benefit another human without expecting anything in return is an opportunity for you to live out of YOUR abundance.

The beauty is you will always receive back in some way for your generosity.

P.S. If you feel inclined to give for what you receive here on my site as you read, you can donate to support my work here:

Thank you for your support!

If you are looking for support to empower you further than you can on  your own, I invite you to book an intuitive breakthrough session with me.  A breakthrough session is designed to provide you with clarity, confidence and effective tools to move beyond the challenges you are facing (aka: YOUR BREAKDOWN) and a simple action plan to follow so you can start creating a life you love.

Now, I would love to hear from you... have you struggled with experiencing abundance in your life?  Did this post resonate with you in any way? Share in the comments below…

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