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PODCAST: Conformity Sucks Your Energy Away

In this episode, I share what's been on my mind of late.  One thing that keeps coming up is standing in your own truth and sovereignty. 

Being your full true self is a great source of energy. So many people lacking vitality are missing this piece of the puzzle. 

The more you are ignited with appropriate nutrients the more empowered you will become as well. The more energy you’ll have to feel capable and stand in your own personal truth especially when it does not align with the herd. 

Listen to Episode #70: Conformity Sucks Your Energy Away : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

The conformity mentality: "Everyone I know is doing X - so it can’t possibly be wrong?

If you are comparing your choices in life to the ‘herd mentality’ you are NOT allowing yourself to be yourself. Meaning, you are unwilling to do the inner work to choose your own path. Your research is never complete just by towing the line of conformity - it just means you’ve given up and in and that’s what I call apathy. It’s definitely a built in survival mechanism, true - but if we want to be sovereign and living our own potential we have to see it for what it is, acknowledge it and dig in deeper. 

Mineral balancing is so key, it helps us to step into our true energy and avoid serious health complications when we know how to approach minerals properly. This is a big reason I created my program: REMINERALIZE. To teach people how to approach minerals with balance in mind to enjoy the benefits and avoid all the health problems that ensue when we don't get our minerals right! 

If you want to recover or rebuild from wherever you are currently in your health journey - I invite you to join: REMINERALIZE. 

You'll soon be on your way to igniting back the spark you lost, who knows when, and get back to enjoying your life with newfound energy! 

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