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Do What Makes You Feel Inspired, Happy, and Alive

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

I am betting as a woman you've likely struggled with an internal battle where you've felt 'stuck'. You have felt that you aren't where you'd like to be in your life journey (according to you). Maybe you're currently stuck doing soul sucking work in a body plagued with burn out (which comes with a myriad of annoying symptoms), totally unable to perform your job effectively.  In addition to being able to be a fully supportive friend, partner or parent. Maybe you even wish you could quit your job, because it doesn't feed your soul and instead you'd rather just focus on what does make you feel inspired.

*Note: Listen to the full episode on the podcast here.

{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

You may even have figured out what your soul passion is, and when you allow yourself space to do it, you feel energized. You are so inspired by it and it fuels you. Maybe you want to write a book, or start your own holistic health practice. Yet, you just wish you could hit the fast forward button to where you no longer have to wait to do this work fully. You want to let go of the work that drains you, for the big dream you can't wait to pour all of yourself into. You dream of the day you can quit your 'day-job' and pursue your big dream wholeheartedly.

You also long to be able to fit in the daily joys of life; such as play with your kids more and make more time daily for your yoga practice or even take a dance class. You are tired of feeling drained by your current circumstances; your job, your health and you just want to shift already.

You are not alone

I work with women who feel like they’ve lost not only their health but themselves.

Women who don’t give themselves permission to do what they LOVE because they put so much pressure on themselves to focus only on their responsibilities. Or because they are physically or emotionally drained to the core.
And the truth is, when you are suffering with burn out, it's so hard to have the energy or mind space for much beyond the day-to-day basics.

I've shared before how at least 80% of adults at some point will experience burnout (aka: adrenal fatigue). This burnout impacts not only your physical health, but your mental and emotional well being as well.

Being in burnout isn't easy. It often leads you to lose your belief in yourself. You may even experience a lot of inner mean girl chatter causing you to live in self-doubt.

You may lose sight of your own inner strength. Afraid of what others think and unconsciously allow yourself to shrink back away from your big dreams in life. The dreams that your soul is calling you to. The dreams you know that are meant to come out and benefit the world in an impactful way.

Here's the thing; when you... a) don't allow yourself to find or do what you love, or b) stop doing what you love... you start to shut down mentally, physically and emotionally. When you don’t even allow yourself to find the things in life that you love this exacerbates things immensely.

When you shut down mentally, you may feel depressed or overwhelmed.
When your body shuts  down physically, you have a hard time functioning on a daily basis, which also exacerbates your mood.
When you shut down emotionally, your relationships suffer and struggle to survive.
You may just want to check or numb out.
The gifts and passions inside of you stay trapped and don't benefit anyone.

To me, this is truly heartbreaking to see. I believe the world needs more women to find what makes them happy and inspired. I honestly believe it could transform the world.

When their is more joy and inspiration in your life, your body can function optimally and you can thrive in all areas.

So, what can you do?

First, you need to give yourself permission first to find what lights you up and what makes you feel more alive. Even if you think it seems silly or insignificant at first.

So, even if you are in burnout, you can still find some things to enjoy in your day to day life. You can still do small micro actions towards your bigger dreams of starting your new online holistic health practice or writing your book. Whatever YOUR big dream is, you can start creating it today.

The key is not to judge your desire or question it, but just allow it to be and then allow yourself to feel into it more.

When you give yourself both permission and space to do what you do love you free up more energy to do what you need to do. Your life responsibilities won’t feel so all consuming or exasperating, if you can allow yourself to do what you love daily. Even if it's just a small amount of time towards it daily or weekly. You'll feel more able to do your other responsibilities with more ease when you allow this balance to happen. Why? Because, knowing what you want and creating space to act on it is EMPOWERING.

Society is still very focused on honoring effort based and result based action and work. Society is still slow to permit women to pursue their big dreams. And insists that your value is in what you can show you have produced.

BUT your soul and purpose want to flow out of you with ease. Your true joy lies in the effort of no effort. Doing what you love doesn’t feel like effort and it creates passion, energy and joy.

Yes it does require you to take action, but your big dreams and soul passions won't feel like striving and drudgery. You'll happily put forth the effort and it won't feel strenuous because it's what makes you feel alive. It's what your inner voice is calling you to.

This looks different for every woman. You get to do it the way YOU feel inclined to.

Perhaps you do want to write a book, submit it to Reese Witherspoon to review and become her next promoted movie or show. Maybe you want to quit your day job and start your own online gig as a health coach. Or maybe you want to be a great mom to your kids while creating a thriving side hustle that you love. Like staging for realtors or a becoming a personal trainer.

Instead of comparing yourself to society or others, you get to ask yourself what lights YOU up.

How can you create more happiness in your life? What do you truly desire? Do you feel you have purpose work to share with the world? A gift that you feel compelled to turn into your purpose work that also PAYS you well.

You don't need more responsibility or willpower, you need to slow down, breathe and allow yourself to experience more inspiration, joy and even fun.

Get Support

This is something I help women with in my 1:1 mind-body coaching work. Take Anthea for example, she came to me wanting to get her health back so she could quit her job and start working as a nutritional therapy practitioner. She was struggling with incredible overwhelm and burnout.

We came up with a plan to help her create her vision for our time together. Then we added in hair tissue mineral analysis to help target her energy leaks and help her with her gut, adrenals and thyroid. Each session we worked on overcoming her personal obstacles, and addressed emotional blocks that came up and so much more. You can read more about her story here.

She had a BIG DREAM of helping women just like her, who struggled with giving herself permission to do what she knew deep down she was meant to do. Also, women who struggled with their bodies and feeling worthy. She also had a huge breakthrough in valuing her own worth, which freed up tremendous energy to actually start her new line of work.

Now I would love to hear from you...  What are your challenges with allowing yourself to pursue what makes you feel inspired, happy and alive? Have you ever struggled with your health holding you back from doing what you love? Are you getting the results you long for with your current daily routine and life choices? Let me know in the comments below...

If you are ready to overcome burnout and  emotional overwhelm so you can get back to fully enjoying your life and pursuing your passion, I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me today. We'll get on the phone and discuss your happiest outcome for your health and dreams right now, and if I believe I can support you in that, I'll share how.

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