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Don't Just Cultivate Gratitude, Embody It!

freedom & flow Feb 02, 2018

We’ve all heard the popular phrase, “Keep an attitude of gratitude,” especially in the month of November when we become the most thankful for everything in our lives because we celebrate Thanksgiving.

However, did you know that being grateful actually benefits your body physically and mentally?

There have even been studies done where scientists find that people who practice gratitude consistently are reaping many healthful benefits.

When you practice gratitude, it really benefits your entire body and well-being. Feeling grateful can:

  • Improve your immune system
  • Improve mental alertness
  • Improve sleeping habits and better quality and duration
  • Lower blood pressure, preventing heart attacks
  • Decrease depression, stress, and anxiety
  • Create more sustained happiness, optimism, and joy
  • Create more acts of compassion and generosity
  • Help you manage stress better and cope with difficult challenges
  • Help you feel less isolated or lonely, leading to better relationships and connectedness
  • Help your professional life by increasing decision-making capabilities and productivity

Surely, you can see why it’s so critical to practice gratitude daily throughout the entire year, not just in November. You can even teach your family how to practice giving thanks every day or make it a habit of doing together once a day, whether that's around the breakfast table, dinner table or right before bed.

And when you just start to practice it on purpose regularly, in a way that works easily for you, you will start to see the benefits so much that if you keep going you will start to BECOME a naturally grateful person.

There are many ways you can start practicing gratitude. Here are a few ideas:

  • Start a gratitude journal and write down 1-5 things you’re grateful for every day.
  • Create an Appreciation Photo Album by taking pictures of things and people you are grateful to have in your life.
  • Write a personal “Thank You” card to someone that you would like to show your gratitude to, and then give it to them or mail it.
  • Or text all your family members and tell them 1 reason you are grateful for them.
  • Go for a hike, and state out loud everything you are grateful for as you go.
  • Pay it forward by picking up the tab for the person behind you when you’re in line at a coffee shop or restaurant.

I love embodying the habit of gratitude in my life and share it freely as often as I can with as many people as I can.

"Gratitude is a gift. One of the greatest joys that we get to experience in this world is giving gifts and making people’s lives better. When you express your gratitude for someone or something, you are sharing that gift."

How about you? Do you practice gratitude?



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