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How To Break Free From Feeling Uncomfortably Numb

mindset personal growth Jan 07, 2019

I spend a lot of time in the woods daily hiking, meditating, contemplating. I like to tap into the wisdom of the woods to help me stay in touch with myself.

I never used to give myself this gift of space and time. I always felt like I had to be doing something else that seemed more ‘responsible’ or dutiful. Needless to say, I was rather anxious and kind of uptight. And probably not the happiest or most fun mom either.

And I know I’m not alone in having felt that way.

I believe our culture as a collective is struggling to feel like themselves and most people (if they were honest) feel like they are just ‘getting by’ in their day to day life.

This leads to not knowing who you are or what your soul passion really is. What really lights your soul on fire. That was true for me.

Thankfully, I woke up and gave myself permission to start doing things that allowed me to expand and get in tune with myself. Space to breathe, meditate, dream, grow.

As I walk through the woods regularly, thoughts come to me helping me tap more inside my soul. I also let things go more readily, things that do not serve me. I find it easier to release anxious thoughts and relax.

The beauty of this and the value of allowing myself this gift of time and prioritizing it is: As within, so without.

Being first, doing second.

Whatever you are feeling inside at your core at the deepest level will show up in your life in what you accomplish and what you do and how you act. I had it backwards all those years, no wonder I was a ball of stress.

If you've ever felt stuck, unfulfilled or like you're walking under a dark cloud this is what I call uncomfortably numb. Or worse yet, maybe you’ve become comfortably numb.

As if it's just normal to feel that way and you assume it’s how your life is supposed to be. You get up like a zombie every day and repeat. It’s like a bad movie where the person keeps waking up to the same day over and over and over; like Groundhogs day. Until they finally wake up truly and figure out something has to change.

Years of my life I was walking under a dark cloud, feeling uncomfortably numb. It took me many years of really deep soul searching and self care to become really awake and alive and believe in myself.

I now believe there is so much within me to bring to the world. And for you as well.

Solitude - Safe Sanctuary - Creating Space

So I want to encourage you if you are feeling stuck or low or don't feel like you know who you are any more or maybe you never have felt like you did. Take some time to pull away from the daily grind and give yourself some space and time to tune in.

It’s one of the easiest things and it’s completely free you just have to give yourself permission to do it.

I highly recommend you go somewhere in nature and pretend you don't have a care in the world. If you are reading this thinking “I don't have time”, well then my friend you need this even more.

Because here's the thing, YOU get to decide what you have time for it's your life. Not society, not anyone but you. You get to create time for you, you get to shift your mindset and you get to nourish your soul. It's YOUR privilege and right. You just have to get out of your own way and give yourself the permission necessary.

This is SO important because as you are within so you are without.

Give yourself time. Go in nature. Pretend you don't have a care in the world. Remember a time in your life when you felt so free. Maybe you were a little girl in a field or meadow of wild flowers in your favorite dress spinning in circles. Laughing and 100% carefree.

Think about that moment for a minute and allow yourself to FEEL what that feels like. Breathe in deep and let the wisdom of the woods/nature speak to you. If it could produce actual words what would it say. Don't overthink it just allow yourself to sense what your intuition wants you to hear. Whatever it is, a sense of peace, a color, a thought a word, let it nourish you. Note how you feel, do you feel refreshed? It's important to wake up and live your soul passion.

One of the things I learned after living through several experiences of trauma in my life is that in order to heal you have to create a space that is safe. You have to be safe, grounded and rooted in order to flourish in all ways. In order to BLOOM and grow and create your soul purpose NOW in this lifetime, you must first be SAFE.

If your trauma came from others mistreating you, creating solitude as a safe sanctuary can be an incredible healing opportunity for you.

Even if you haven’t experienced what you would consider trauma, perhaps you have experienced a lot of stress in your life. So much stress that your nervous system is stuck in overdrive and in order to bring it back into balance, you need to allow it space to do so.

You can take all the supplements in the world. Eat all the healthy food in the world. Exercise, do yoga etc… but if you are not allowing time to shift into parasympathetic (let’s call it the ‘zen’ side of your nervous system), it will be very hard to heal. Actually, impossible.

You have got to balance your nervous system by doing calming activities and more than just a couple minutes. Trust me, time is on your side when it comes to allowing more for YOURSELF in a way that refreshes your spirit.

More capacity for love & compassion.

When you do this, really surrender to it and give yourself that permission to take the time and create the space you will start to come alive.

You’ll feel more able to tap into the core of YOU. Into who you truly are. And you will brighten up because you will feel nourished, lighter, liberated.

No more dark cloud, zombie mombie mode for you. No more just ‘getting by’.

There has to be more than that, for everyone. I believe that, don't you?

When I really woke up to this, my soul came alive. I literally felt like I went from seeing in gray to seeing everything in the most beautiful bright colors. I also chose to stop wearing frumpy clothes in drab colors and chose to express how I felt by wearing so much COLOR.

And because I began to feel so alive, happy and good inside, I became more loving. Since I had learned to have more compassion for ME and love myself in this way, it was easier for me to truly genuinely express my love for others. It released the judge in me and unleashed a more free space for love. My kids noticed, people noticed and it didn’t even require effort.

So when you fill up your own cup as I wrote about more in my post about self-care, you have more to give. You operate from a constant refilling instead of from a constantly drained battery. You become able to have such a capacity for love when you give yourself this time and space. That my friends is the opposite of being numb. That is being full alive and truly living.

Action Step

Let the wisdom and love that is within you come through. Take the time and space in whatever way you can. Don't make excuses to give this gift to yourself. Give to yourself first so you can give out to the world. Are you listening to what your soul is trying to tell you? Your soul purpose is not only for you, it’s for the good of the entire planet. Happy waking up my friend!

If you are looking for support with a mentor and coach to empower you further than you can on  your own, so you can radically transform your health & life... I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me.  A breakthrough session is designed to provide you with clarity, confidence and effective tools to move beyond the challenges you are facing (in your health or life) and a simple action plan to follow so you can start creating a life you love.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Did this post resonate with you? Do you feel uncomfortably numb, what will you do to shift out of that mode? Let me know in the comments.

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