Want to hear more, check out my podcast episode: What is HTMA?
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It was the fall of 2014, just over 5 years after I had officially become a single mom. I had been trying to get my business off the ground and running, while dealing with the aftermath of a messy divorce and PTSD. I was beyond burned out.
In spite of all my best efforts to clean up my health, I was still struggling with exhaustion. I found myself crashing down after every single stressful event in my life. I was barely surviving. While I had come a long way in my health during those 5 years, it was hard to fully recover and stay steady; in my energy, mood, emotions.
I was so depleted that the stress would pile up and impact my physical health in extreme ways. Like the time, I bent over to pick up a sock in my bedroom and threw my back out and it took 4 other adults to step in for almost a week to help me manage my kids and household. Then there was the time, I had a mini panic attack while taking a bath that induced an asthma attack and I had to call an ambulance.
I was beyond exhausted trying to manage my own health, my kids AND start a business all by myself with NO HELP that my body kept crashing on me. I knew I had to do more for my health, or who would take care of my family. I also hated how miserable I felt. I just wanted to feel GOOD again. Consistently. And not crash down after any type of stress or exertion.
Enter Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.
I finally decided to get the only functional nutrition testing I could afford at the time with a colleague of mine; hair tissue mineral analysis (aka: HTMA). After having gone the medical route with no answers for my health woes, I knew I needed an alternative. I also knew a healthy diet alone wasn't going to cut it.
My first test results showed me that I was in complete adrenal exhaustion. HTMA helped me to see major imbalances in my biochemistry. Essentially I could see the inner workings of my body, my cells and how that connected to my energy and how I was feeling. It was eye opening to say the least. And brought me clarity, even though at first I felt overwhelmed that my body was still struggling so much.
I began to focus on a path to recovery with more clarity than ever before. I had more insight into how to eat due to my metabolic rate. I really needed more carbs than I was allowing. I also added in more gentle detox practices, stress relief and the right supplements for my body.
I began to see quick wins in my energy and mood. I also took my own self-care much more seriously. It was sobering to see my results, and as a single mom I knew I could not afford to NOT prioritize my own well being. I had to make ME a priority. I had to focus on restoring and nurturing myself to ensure I could reach a vibrant health, not only to DO everything I needed to, but to BE the best version of myself possible.
I saw some key things that I never would have known had I not done the test. My magnesium, sodium and potassium levels were all very low, which were contributing to my fatigue and poor health. My adrenal health was tanked (no surprise really), but important for me to see on paper to take more seriously.
The health of the adrenal glands are pretty key -they are one of the bodies two main energy producing glands responsible for so many aspects of your health. When these glands are struggling, your entire health will struggle.
I still to this day continue to retest with an HTMA three times a year to stay on top of my health and continue to take it further.
Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), is an analytical test which measures the mineral content of the hair.
Hair is the ideal tissue for sampling and testing. First, it can be cut easily and painlessly and can be sent to the lab without special handling requirements. Second, clinical results have shown that a properly obtained sample can give an indication of mineral status and toxic metal accumulation following long term or even acute exposure.
'Did you know your hair can tell you almost EVERYTHING about your health?'
A HTMA reveals a unique metabolic world: intracellular activity, which cannot be seen through most other tests. This provides a blueprint of the biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development.
Hair is used as one of the tissues of choice by the Environmental Protection Agency in determining toxic metal exposure. A 1980 report from the E.P.A. stated that human hair can be effectively used for biological monitoring of the highest priority toxic metals. This report confirmed the findings of other studies in the U.S. and abroad, which concluded that human hair may be a more appropriate tissue than blood or urine for studying community exposure to some trace elements.
This information is from the lab I use for myself and my clients, Trace Elements Lab. As a Nutritional Therapist, I find that I simply cannot truly target a client's underlying condition without seeing a properly prepared hair analysis. The method of assessment, along with a thorough health history and often accompanying blood work allows me to get a comprehensive picture of not only what is going on with the client, but the underlying mechanisms that are in need of repair and balancing.
Want to hear more, check out my podcast episode: What is HTMA?
Find it on iTunes HERE
Find it on Spotify HERE
Excuse me for a bit while I dig into the nerdy stuff.
Minerals lie at the foundation of our health. We cannot produce them on our own, we have to get them from our food. In order for the minerals to be in our food, they have to be abundant in the soil (which sadly is no longer the case).
Minerals are basically the spark plugs of life, or keystones to our health. Minerals are the catalysts that keep our “battery” going and enable it to hold its “charge.”
>> Minerals act as co-factors for enzyme reactions. Enzymes don’t work without minerals. All cells require enzymes to work & function. They give us our vitality.
>> They maintain the pH balance within the body.
>> Minerals actually facilitate the transfer of nutrients across cell membranes.
>> They maintain proper nerve conduction
>> Minerals help to contract and relax muscles.
>> They help to regulate our bodies tissue growth.
>> Minerals provide structural and functional support for the body.
There are two categories of minerals essential within the body, macro-minerals & micro-minerals. There is no one mineral deficiency, they all must be maintained in balance within the body. So you can't just take a multi-mineral and expect to 'replace' them. Unfortunately, these days mineral imbalances and deficiencies are epidemic. And there are many reasons for that, too many to go into detail in this post without writing a book.
If you want that 'spark' in your health and life, digging into your own mineral balance and detoxing heavy metals will be key.
If you are still struggling with your health after already cleaning up your diet, skin care products, household toxins, implementing a fitness routine, and are STILL not seeing the improvements for your health you would like. Girl, it's time for an HTMA.
Things like not being able to lose weight, low energy adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism not helped by medication, poor memory, mood, brain fog, inability to handle stress, insomnia, PMS and so much more can be helped with an HTMA. It will help to create a plan specific for you so you can dive in to supporting your health with more confidence and clarity. Knowing exactly what supplements and actions to take to create a lifestyle that makes sense to recover and improve your health.
If any of these things have not gone away through just diet and exercise alone; it may be time to snip some hair and see what insights it will show you about your health.
Today, I shared just the beginning of my story with HTMA to inspire you to consider this aspect of your life so you can be more empowered and have the vibrant health you desire. Minerals and HTMA had such an impact on me, that I spent years booked solid with clients and even created a practitioner program.
I utilize HTMA with every single client, it doesn't make sense not to in my opinion, since a simple HTMA can uncover SO much information on what mechanisms in the body must be corrected in order for deep healing and optimal health to occur.
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