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How to Keep Your Life in a State of Balance

freedom & flow Jun 12, 2018

I have been involved in the health and wellness arena for over 11 years.

I've observed a pattern when someone finds a path to wellness that leads them into a health journey towards freedom: this pattern is one I lived myself and now see occur in clients and colleagues. There is a sort of pendulum swing from one total opposite of the spectrum from where you've been.

With me, it was radical. I went from a state of apathy/lethargy to become quite the zealot. From McDonald's drive-thru with the kids on the way to summer camp one day and purging my pantry the next to only fill it with real/whole foods.

Believe me, this can be good. I mean for me, it got me out of a huge rut, but the flip side is it may lead to burnout. Too many sweeping changes all at once can lead to a form of unhappiness and restriction that seems like a spiritual health journey, because after all it's 'healthy'.

As an example, let's say you decide to do a mass overhaul on your health through diet. Like me, I chose to do a super strict low calorie 'clean' diet the summer of 2006. I didn't know better at the time but it really was not appropriate for my health then. It would have been best if I had modified it for my level of health at the time. However, I followed the strict diet to the letter, instead of listening to my body, I ended up struggling with hypoglycemic induced anxiety (more on that story in a future post).

This can happen to anyone who just found 'the light' of real food, they might decide to restrict their diet, actions and behaviors so much that they become removed from reality.

I know for me, I began to judge others for not being health-minded enough like I was (a radical zealot, I mean how could everyone on the planet NOT CARE about this passionately).
In my quest to turn my health around, I ended up replacing my previous lifestyle (that felt so out of control) with one that was seemingly positive. However, if I was honest at times it became a punishment/restriction instead of a celebration.

I've seen this pattern, not only in my own life, but time and time again to other well-meaning individuals... and to be honest, it doesn't usually turn out well.

And so, I've made it my quest to bring you insights that I've lived and breathed, as well as observed in hundreds of others.

If you want to radically transform your life, you must do it step by step, over time, one day at a time and with a slow but steady dedication that will not fail you. Your health journey is a minute-by-minute practice and one of continuing to deepen your own self-trust and intuition.

It's a deep dive into the art of being present with yourself, it's not a sprint to arrive at some imaginary finish line.

This comes up all the time, the impatience to 'arrive already' once you've been enlightened with the 'truth' of how to get your health back. But let me warn you, there is no actual end in sight. You will never be done so long as you live on this earth. So be okay with the marathon you are on for your health. It's a lifestyle, so buckle up and settle in.

Rather than burn out (which I've done numerous times), I want to encourage you to create a slow and steady pace that you can sustain for life. Sound good?

This will require you learn the true meaning of balance.

Balance allows for ebb and flow. Balance is not linear ... but it's sustainable. I love how Sadie Nardini  (a yoga coach I follow) explains it, so I will share a quote from her here;

"Balance is not something you pass through while swinging wildly from end to end of the spectrum. It's not born from drinking two bottles of champagne one day, and not drinking at all for the next three. It's not a state gained when you're destructively aggressive with your loved ones one night and then spend the next three months apologizing. Nor is it procrastinating exercise for six months, and then killing your body with a spurt of too-intense, too long, depleting workouts.

Balance is a mindful flow; a way of life where you enjoy yourself and, like holding a child's hand as you walk down a busy sidewalk, you learn to gently and lovingly correct yourself before you go running into traffic, not after you do.

The funny thing is that balancing your days so they more often serve your higher goals will create far more of the transformation you seek. You will become a living version of your dreams, instead of always chasing them."

Learning how to balance life, create boundaries and re-negotiate them as you align more over time with your vision and goals helps you to not feel so overwhelmed. I'm all about living a balanced thriving life growing in mind, body and soul. How about you? Do you believe it's possible? What are some practices you choose to help you sustain a balanced healthy life?

Here are some of the ways I create balance:

-  Journaling
Meditation (various forms that fit for each season of life)
-  Using herbs/ essential oils/ supplements daily to support my health needs
-  Functional testing to reassess my health needs/goals and create a plan to follow.
-  Working on emotional freedom / releasing my emotions in a healthy way
   (through coaching, EFT, talking with friends, energy healing...).
-  Lots of quality time connecting with my man, creating sacred space for each other.
-  Creating healthy boundaries daily, weekly and re-evaluating regularly
De-cluttering my mind and space in small blocks of manageable time
Maintaining a consistent movement practice

So many more could be shared here, but you get the idea. These are the ones that seem to take top precedence in my life currently.

What are YOUR daily go-to actions, or weekly rituals to help you maintain balance with your health and life goals? I'd love to hear them, feel free to share in the comments below.

If you try any of the tips I shared in this post and found it helpful, leave me a comment below and let me know what came up for you. If you liked this post, please consider being a part of the tribe that is being built here. A good way to begin is to sign up for my newsletter.

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