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How to receive natural magnetic energy

You can create a lifestyle conducive to your health or hack your health in the lifestyle that led you to decline. You decide.

Many years ago I read about about grounding. You know how you read about all the things that are good for your health, but then don’t end up habituating them right away.

Sometimes it’s just about planting the seed within you so you can embody it in your own way and timing.

Fortunately, my adrenal burnout led me to recreate my entire lifestyle. I ended up living in the woods near a creek trail in my first home post-divorce. I grew to love those woods as I believe it was their magic that nursed me back to health and brought me back to life.

My first attempts at nature walks were feeble. I could only walk about 10-15 minutes at a time without getting out of breath. So I decided to start there. Eventually, my body grew stronger and I could walk 4-5 miles a day and sometimes even 6-7.

I remember the first time I allowed myself to go into the woods and just explore. The exact kind of thing I did as kid, without questioning or judging myself for. As an adult somewhere along the way, I learned I had to be productive only otherwise I was being irresponsible.

That day many years ago was a gift I gave myself. It led me back to me. I marched out to the woods with the intention of just going, staying, exploring and enjoying the time for as long as I wanted. No agenda. No attachment to any outcome.

Since that day, I began to create my lifestyle, my routine, my work days so I included more time to be in the woods, in nature. My walks were and still are both meditation and movement.

Those walks allowed me to ground myself and connect to the earth. They were sacred as they allowed me to process my thoughts. The more time I spent there, the more time I felt reconnected.

I’ve since moved out of that home near the creek trail in the woods, but now I find other places to go. I make the concerted effort because my body compels me to go. It became an embodied way of being for me.

You see, your body is at it’s best when it’s connected to the earth’s natural energy.

You can do this by walking barefoot, sitting, or sleeping in direct contact with the earth’s surface. I learned it’s best to walk on the ground when it is wet or humid, as it helps with conduction.

So today, my instinct told me to get to a nearby meadow after the rain stopped. I wanted to get my feet in contact with the wet earth and let it recharge me.

[Click the video player above to see all my adventuring from today].

The more I practice this the more I marvel. Research proves it, but so does my personal experience.

It makes intuitive sense when you think about how before industry, humans were far more connected to the earth. Life was far more simple. All you needed for health was sun, water, air, light, food (nourishment), human connection (sex, love, community).

For me making nature therapy and grounding part of my lifestyle was a key player in my recovery from adrenal burnout. And to this day, it still brings me back to feeling alive.

I can even sit on a rock near the waterfall in the colder months to ground my body and it always energizes me. I feel lighter and freer in my body every time. It’s a great way to recharge and maintain my spark.

Whenever I start to feel off-kilter in my body, I know I need to spend more time connected to the earth. I've gotten rid of headaches, body pain, insomnia and even anxiety by creating the time and space to get back to nature and commune with my mother. If you think about it that way, isn't that what comforts us a baby. Connection with mother?

Just like a mother's arms and chest soothe a babies cries and pains, nature has a built in way to counteract and soothe pain and inflammation.

Trying to heal from burnout without addressing your environment and your bodies need for grounding may feel much like a hamster on a wheel. You won't get anywhere. You'll feel like you are trying and trying and trying, which ends up exhausting you even further.

You must assess your environment if you want to truly thrive.

Without nature's charge you won't have enough cellular charge to run all of your processes. If you can't run all your processes effectively, you won't be able to do the clean up work either. The 'clean up work' can be done naturally when your body has the cellular potential and overall energy reserve.

Grounding or earthing is a key player in helping your cells get and stay healthy. In case you weren't aware, your cells kinda run the show.

When I work with clients I always bring this element in. Many come to me saying they don't have time or they try or they are too tired. The thing is, you can choose to let your current lifestyle tear your health down and try to hack your way healthy in it. OR you can create new habits to move you away from dis-ease towards healthier lifestyle. Either way, it requires change. Eventually, far far less effort and much greater ease.

Now, I would love to hear from you... has grounding or earthing been revolutionary for your health too? Share in the comments below…

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