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Love Is The Best Medicine Of All

It’s 2019, a year to take radical personal responsibility for your life and healing yourself. The good news is, your body has the capacity to heal itself. And love is the best medicine of all.

Your mind, emotions and spirit have an enormous impact on your body. How you think and feel about yourself and the world, as well as how you experience spiritual connection makes all the difference in healing your body.

I feel like I could write a whole entire book on this, maybe I will … for now, I want to empower you towards self-love and healing yourself.

I know it may sound cliche to say that love is the best medicine of all -all we need is love and a million other songs come to mind, but it’s so true. Science now even shows it.

So I want to help you tap into this. Even if you are someone who grew up without adequate love or were unloved as a child, you can still re-write your story. You can give yourself the love you deserve first. You can heal your own childhood and past wounds around lack of love or love that had conditions. You can start today. Rewrite your story. Heal yourself.

Healing Yourself

I’ve been on a mission to do this very thing on purpose for the past 11 years. Before that, my soul only craved the love i was missing which manifested in my health, emotions and life choices. I experienced a lot of pain and suffering in my life, as most of us have, that stemmed from a lack of love. I spent much of my life lost, sick, soul searching, seeking for meaning, trying to understand what seemed to be missing. I bet you can probably relate to some degree.

What started to turn it all around was me coming to an understanding of love and acceptance. I’ll save that story for another day (it’s in my upcoming book), but it cracked me wide open and onto a path where I realized I could heal myself. I realized I actually had a choice and a say in my own health and well being. Novel concept, eh?

Healing yourself is your responsibility, no one else’s. It’s a privilege, a gift, a duty. One I think is lost in our culture because we collectively have wrongfully placed the responsibility onto our doctors and leaders. We don’t trust ourselves enough to know we have everything we need within us. Today more than ever we have incredible resources at our fingertips to find the information and appropriate support to take back our health and life.

Healing yourself is one of the most empowering things you can experience. If truly believe in yourself, know that You are smart enough to make the right decisions and get the right information (even if you have to dig quite a bit). You may not be an expert, that’s ok. BUT you can know enough to get the resources you need, you can gift yourself with the investment of time to research and money to obtain the best support.

It really is your responsibility to inform yourself. Honestly, it’s not your doctor’s responsibility to heal you. No one will ever care more about your own health than you. It’s time to stop giving your power away and stand in it by standing up for yourself. It’s your responsibility to find a way.

Your path will look different than mine, that’s ok too.  The thing is, when you take this radical personal responsibility to heal yourself, it removes your feelings of doubt. It replaces them with an empowered, ‘I can do this’ attitude. You are a figure-outter. You are only going to be strengthened by stepping into this mindset.

You can make informed decisions instead of waiting for someone else to come and rescue. You can only be a victim of your lack of health, love and happiness if you allow yourself to be. And don’t worry, it’s okay to take your time on this journey to healing yourself. There is no rush.

So, let me ask you, where in your life do you need to allow more time to give yourself what you need to heal? Are you ready to assume responsibility for the choices you make and be the authority in your own life?

One of the best ways to help you take full responsibility is to fully embrace who you are, accept yourself completely & fall in love with yourself. This means letting go of where you think you are broken, wrong or unlovable.

Loving Yourself

When I began to love and accept and approve of myself exactly as I am, my whole life radically began to change. I began to see in color instead of shades of gray. I found my wings and began to fly. Life started to work better. My health started to improve, and my life circumstances shifted things slowly fell in line. I began to express myself differently.

I wish I could tell you this was an overnight process. It’s hasn't been. My initial awakening to love felt radical and huge but has really been a daily journey. I’m still learning to love myself every day. I keep learning new ways in which I have judged myself and been critical of myself.

When I recognize that I am doing this, and let me be honest sometimes it takes awhile to recognize it, I can shift how I speak to myself and love that part of me too. It shows up when I have areas of my life that I seem to be sabotaging, areas that don’t seem to work so well. It’s when I really lean in and ask the deeper questions that I can shift to loving that part of me, or letting go of a judgement or criticism or faulty belief I have.

I love how one of my favorite mentors shares it best. Louise Hay in her book, ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, says;

“Loving and approving of yourself, creating a space of safety, trusting and deserving and accepting, will create organization in your mind, create more loving relationships in your life, and even enable your healthy and body weight to normalize. People who love themselves and their bodies neither abuse themselves nor others.

Self approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives.

Loving the self, to me, begins with never ever criticizing ourselves for anything. Criticism locks us into the very pattern we are trying to change. Understanding and being gentle with yourself, helps you to move out of it. Remember you have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.

Love is the miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. “

Have you tried loving yourself lately? I know it can seem a bit weird at first but it’s so important to give yourself the love you are willing to give to others. Let’s go further into this, shall we?

Saturation Love

I used to go to church. The church I went to was big on managing your sin. Rooting out all your problems. I can still remember a specific message I once heard on the topic of bitterness. It spoke to me at first because I realized I was bitter. I thought if I could ‘root out’ my bitterness maybe then my life would be better.

Let me be perfectly clear, focusing on the problem only makes things worse. I know that now.

Anyway, in my quest to ‘root out’ my bitterness, I headed to the church bookshop and picked up a book called; ‘How To Be Free From Bitterness”.

To this day, I honestly do not remember most of what the book said. What I do remember, as if it was burned into my soul, was a short little chapter called, ‘Saturation Love’.

In the chapter, there was a story told about parents of a child who was inflicting self harm as well as harm to his sibling. They sought counsel to figure out how to help their child because their regular path of punitive parenting (spanking) to stop the undesirable behavior wasn’t working.

That seems like a no brainer to me now, but I grew up in punitive household that came from the idea that punishment was god’s idea for parents to keep their kids in line. I no longer believe this. I actually believe this is incredibly harmful -but that is another topic for another day.

What the author, counselor shared with them in the chapter and the story that unfolded after is what stuck with me to this day.

He told the parents to start hugging their child every time he did the undesired behaviors, either picking his warts on his face or hitting his brother. And not just once but all day, as much as possible. Saturate him with love & affection through copious hugs. The mom, at first, didn’t want to do this because she thought it would reinforce the bad behaviors.

The counselor said, “Don’t worry. He already has gotten the message that it is wrong. Not only should you hug him the next time he hits his brother, I want you to hug him all day long. He hasn’t gotten enough love & The only time he gets attention is when he is bad. So he hits little brothers in order to get attention. He picks his face because he is insecure. I guarantee that if you pour loving attention on him with overkill, his face will clear up, and he will quit hitting his little brothers within two weeks.

The parents followed through and the situation resolved and the child stopped picking his face. I remember when I read that, it was like my jaw dropped a thousand feet and my mind was blown. Could it really be that simple? Could that kind of love truly overcome the hurts that cause us to act out and sabotage ourselves and how we treat others?

The principle of saturation love is this: it includes adequate love, quality time, quantity of time, plus undivided attention.

Saturation means that maximum absorption has been reached. A saturated solution is one where the solvent cannot dissolve anymore solute. For example, if you continue to add and stir sugar into a glass of water, the water will eventually become saturated with sugar, meaning no more sugar will dissolve in it. After the solution reaches the saturation point, any additional sugar will fall to the bottom of the glass—the water cannot dissolve anymore.

It is the same with love. It is possible to saturate someone (or yourself) with love so that any additional love is not received. It is not rejected; it is just not needed.

Here’s the thing, if you don’t feel you received this kind of love as a child, many of us haven’t, you can still give this love to yourself. Many people seek this outside of themselves, and in unhealthy ways, because they do not know how to gift this to themselves. It wasn’t demonstrated properly or given freely. That’s ok, you still can rewrite your story and learn to saturate yourself with this kind of love.

I’ve shared many posts on how to love yourself more through, self-care, meditation, nourishing your body with real food, creating space and time just for you, loving yourself just as you arelearning to surrender, releasing yourself from the shame of the should’s and more. And I’m probably gonna find more ways to share it and say because quite frankly it’s incredibly important and bears repeating.

Are you at your saturation point yet my friend? This is the point in which love has permeated, infused and saturated your heart and your soul long enough that your heart is so full it bursts and overflows. It not only heals YOU, it begins to impact others in your life too.

If you are looking for support with a mentor and coach to empower you further than you can on  your own, so you can radically transform your health & life... I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me.  A breakthrough session is designed to provide you with clarity, confidence and effective tools to move beyond the challenges you are facing (in your health or life) and a simple action plan to follow so you can start creating a life you love.


Now, I'd love to hear from you. Did this post resonate with you? Do you believe that love is the best medicine of all? Have you seen it heal your life in any specific way? Let me know in the comments.


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