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PODCAST: Health Freedom for Humanity (New PA chapter)

I first learned about Health Freedom for Humanity back in April, when I had Tommy John on the podcast. It was shortly after I had shared a resource for those who were worried about Covid but did not want the vaccine

Listen to Episode #73: Health Freedom : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

To me, health freedom means CHOICE. It means honoring nature. It means not being coerced into a one size fits all model. It means honoring our intuition and trusting our bodies healing potential. It does not mean we cower and choose what we are being 'forced to accept'. 

It means we know that we have a choice and will not be bullied to comply to a path that we know intuitively and firmly is not right for us. 

Here is what the Health Freedom for Humanity Organization stands for: 

Health Freedom for Humanity (HFFH) is a community of advocates, parents, teachers, actors,  veterans, doctors, lawyers, and friends, who stand to ensure Health Freedom for all people. We  come from every religion, political affiliation, socioeconomic background, race, and philosophy  on personal health but are united in our belief that mandated medical procedures of any kind,  medical coercion, or any restrictions on health choice violate basic human rights. 

We believe that health freedom exists outside of any of the number of divisions amongst  society, and that health freedom is purely a human rights issue. All are welcome. Health freedom is for everyone. We ask that  all members of our organization stand firm in their right to choose what is best for their own  health, but always do so from a position of love and respect for those with opposing views.  

If you live in Pennsylvania and would like to be a part of our Health Freedom chapter, feel free to email me: [email protected] or [email protected]

 If you need support on your healing journey and align with my work - learn more about becoming a 1:1 client HERE

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