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PODCAST: Rebirth, Renewal & Restoration

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In this episode, I shared a message of clarity surrounding this new season we are shifting into. If you are struggling right now with ruminating thoughts around life's challenges and wanting to see a change this episode could bring you some much needed support and clarity. 

Listen to episode #114 : Rebirth, renewal and restoration - Find: A Joy To Be Me ; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I am leaning and learning to be at peace with myself and my present lesson of patience and self-acceptance.  The Universe has a way of providing teachable moments. The lessons may appear in the form of what seem like recurring setbacks that repeat themselves over and over until you absorb what you need to change about your mindset.

To be patient and resilient.

The last 2 days the word resilient has been hanging out with me big time. We are heading into a season of rebirth, renewal and restoration. Spring represents returning to life after loss. 

We get to rise up like the fiery phoenix out of the ashes (this feels quite apropos for me with this new moon in Aries coming up and my moon is in Aries). Everything in nature changes and dies. We still have the power to make our dreams come true. Spring time shows us that everything in nature reflects rebirth, this includes you and I. 

Sending so much love! 

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