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PODCAST: What do you want? With David Hayward

In this podcast episode, I have a powerful conversation with my good friend David Hayward aka The Naked Pastor. I brought him on because he has been a rock for me personally on my own journey back to be me. I found him the year I 'woke up' to be able to say it's A Joy To Be Me. (Which is why I chose to name my podcast what I did).


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

In this episode we talk about how:

You are completely okay as you are,.
You are VALID.
You are a creative wonderful thoughtful beautiful person just as you are.
There is nothing you have to be, except who you are.
If you can get to that place of self-trust where you can just embrace yourself and love yourself, that's when things start happening!
Realizing what you want is not selfish
It's okay to have what you want
Knowing what you want and just doing what you want

De-condition to recondition and just be the you that allows yourself to go for what you want in life!

David is a graffiti artist on the walls of religion whose cartoons and art have been such a powerful catalyst to help people who feel like outcasts get liberated and set free so they can live more as their true full self.

In this episode I highlighted one of my personal favorites of David's art and work: The Sophia series. Find that HERE.

You can find David @
And to see his daily cartoons and art be sure to follow him on Facebook or Instagram or Pinterest.

Start creating a life full of your ultimate pleasure today!

If you are ready to overcome burnout and emotional overwhelm so you can get back to fully enjoying your life and pursuing your pleasure,
I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me today. We'll get on the phone and discuss your happiest outcome for your health and dreams right now, and if I believe I can support you in that, I'll share how.



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