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PODCAST: Potassium is crucial in anyone with hypothyroidism

I'm finally getting around to getting all my past podcast episodes posted here on the blog for you. On the heels of my last episode; Let's Wake Up Your Thyroid, I'm digging in further on one of my favorite minerals. 

In this episode, I'm sharing a primer on a key macro mineral that is crucial for women in burnout (with hypothyroidism). I share a little bit about how I've seen it trending low over the past 7 years seeing thousands of mineral analysis on clients/students. Why it's important to get enough in your diet daily and how. What it does for your whole systemic function and how it causes problems when it's deficient. 

I referred back to episode 54 for more on minerals and thyroid health. As well, podcast episode 38 and 40 where I dug into vitamin D more so you can see if from a different perspective than the mainstream is currently discussing. Also, episodes 18-21 are all about copper and how it's become a big problem and how it deranges the mineral system. 

Listen to Episode #55: Potassium is crucial in anyone with hypothyroidism : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

Give the episode a listen so you can get a bigger picture overview of what can go wrong in your entire system when this power mineral is lacking.  

I also did an entire video tutorial and sort of primer on potassium awhile back, you can check it out here:  "How to power to power up with the most balancing 

I can help you balance your biochemistry and dig deeper into your health puzzle!

If you are ready to get clearer answers on how to support your own health and your body so you can make the right supplement and lifestyle changes: I invite you to sign up to work with me as a client through HTMA. You can get all the information as well as sign up on my Work With Me page HERE. 

If you are a holistic health practitioner and would like to learn more about minerals and how to integrate HTMA into your holistic health practice - you can learn more about my program: The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart right HERE

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