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Praise & Testimonial: She Learned How To Detox Her Body


I am incredibly grateful for the amazing women I get to work with and support. Today I'm sharing Desiree's story of how she learned to take more time for self-care  AND overcame some major hurdles over the course of my fall detox.

Click on the image above to hear Desiree share what she learned and experienced during my Fall Detox.

Desiree's Biggest Challenges & Why She Chose To Do My Fall Detox

I wanted to do this because I had been feeling gross, eating junk all the time and I had just been giving in and giving in. I wanted to shift that pattern, but knew I needed some support and guidelines. I wanted to do just more than eat a strict diet and lose weight. I wanted to be able to include more self-care because that's something I struggle with. It's hard for me to slow down and take care of just me. So the timing on this was perfect for me.

I also was looking at this detox as a way for me to get past the struggles I was having with self-control in many areas of my life. I needed something that would help to kick-start me on a path to support my overall health. I knew detoxing could help in that way.

Her Biggest Take-Away Moments

One day was very fascinating to me, I had a big transition of feeling really inadequate and overwhelmed in life and as I shifted through that day I suddenly had so much mental clarity.

When I went away with my friends one weekend, I was able to see how a glass of wine really made me feel. I also didn't like the taste of my favorite lifetime candy, Reese's cups. They tasted fake and plastic to me. I was shocked by that because I had always LOVED how they tasted. I had always loved candy. Now I don't want the candy.

I learned a lot from veering off the plan for a fun weekend with friends. It helped me make some connections I had never made before and it was really encouraging. As I'm eating right my body is changing and I am able to resist. And I feel great!

I learned that 'cheating' can be a learning experience because I wouldn't have known otherwise. It showed me I was on the right track!

What The Fall Detox Did For Her Health & Life Specifically

I feel so much better about myself and I feel more confident than before doing the program. I've lost 10 pounds overall through the time I spent on the detox program.

I've gotten past the feeling of being stuck and overwhelmed and now have so much mental clarity. I have increased energy and no longer felt like I need to take a nap every day. I don't have the cravings for sweets like I used to,  and am feeling more in touch with the taste of real food. I also made some connections to my bodies response to alcohol which was eye opening and helpful.

I feel better equipped to include a lot of the habits I learned and to better maintain a healthier diet. Some of the recipes from the detox are now my favorite foods -which also surprised me. I never even liked sweet potatoes before but now I can't get enough of the sweet potato soup.

I'm also grateful that I could see myself shift into some of the self-care habits like detox baths. Prior to this, slowing down and relaxing was not something I was really very good at doing. But I found myself learning to get better at it and really see the benefit of taking the time just for myself.

Join The Fall Detox!

"As someone who has tried many diets and cleanses I found this detox to be very thorough, satisfying and eye opening! I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to feel better and get healthier. In fact, I've told a lot of my friends already!" ~ Desiree

You can join the fall detox one last time in 2018!
Th official start date is November 5th, but that is flexible since it's a 7 day detox. You can start anytime between the 5th and 12th and still fit it in before Thanksgiving. Desiree chose to extend the 7 day detox because she felt so good she wanted to keep going. She chose to do it for 21 days but gave herself a touch of leeway when she went away for a trip and still had amazing results.

You can get all the details for the detox right HERE & sign up!


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