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Praise & Testimonial: She was shocked and thrilled


Over the years I've worked with a lot of women to help unravel their health concerns, but I've also supported over 200 holistic health practitioners in teaching them how to get started with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) in their holistic health practices. 

Today I want to share an example with you of a woman who I worked with on both fronts; her personal health as a client and a student inside my Holistic Mineral Balancing program (no longer available: now it's called 'The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart').

Below is just a summary of our conversation, to hear the whole conversation and not miss a single beat, click the video player above to watch/listen. The video is only about 25 minutes long.

Meet My Client (& Student), Jennifer

Jennifer and I connected at a I met over dinner during a weekend workshop for the Nutritional Therapy Association program. She had never heard of hair tissue mineral analysis before and was really intrigued. She looked into and realized she should do one for herself, both for her health and how it could be something she might want to offer in her future holistic health practice.

She was skeptical at first and wasn't sure she would find out enough to help with her own health. She really wanted to see what it was all about, so she decided to take the leap and get her own HTMA with me.

Once she got her results, she was shocked and very very happy with the results and the way it was able to pull all the pieces and put them together. From there  she was hooked. and decided to sign up for my practitioner program.

I asked Jennifer if she would share her thoughts about her time working with me. Here's what she shared.

What was your biggest challenge before coming to see me?

Before starting to work with Lydia, I had some digestive issues and major cravings. I didn't understand my cravings but my hair test cleared it up and my protocol helped those dissipate. I also didn't understand why I was dealing with fibroids and was able to see some big connections that provided relief.

Why did you choose me as your practitioner?

Lydia and I had a fantastic conversation, I thought she was great. Her realistic way she approached HTMA. Her passion and communication, certainly was something I look for in people I want to trust and work with.
Lydia was approachable, I felt like I was getting great answers without it feeling overly 'clinical'.

What were some of your BIGGEST take-away moments from your own HTMA?

The first thing that drew me was in today's medical world people are very accustomed to getting testing done to help them navigate their health. In getting HTMA done for myself I wanted to see if it would be a functional test that would be a good fit for my own future practice. I also felt it was very affordable and non-invasive. The information was so vast and thorough on how minerals impact the entire body.

When I did HTMA with you, I was so skeptical but come to find out minerals have to do with everything. Once I got on your protocol it was insane how quickly I saw benefits from it. I love that I saw a turn around very fast to help me want to keep going with it.

Additionally, the minerals really gave me motivation. I had been so unmotivated prior to your protocol and that shifted within about 4-6 weeks. Which I wasn't expecting and was a really nice surprise.

Most importantly, address any fears you feel that someone might have if they were in your shoes before you took action in this way. NOT just about investing in themselves, but in stepping up and taking action too!

From doing HTMA, I became a 'believer' and I feel it benefitted me as a person and will also for my future practice. Going through my own hair test and protocol also gave context as I went through your course.

This functional test is not something you can get from Western medicine and goes beyond what simple blood work can show. It's easy to do too. The insight is so helpful to dig deeper and get results as well as help make connections to your health and give you path of prevention.

I love that I could do everything online with you. I love the clarity on what supplements made sense for my body based on my results too. The testing helped so I wasn't guessing.

Now, I would love to hear from you... have you ever wished there was one test that could show you where your health is at and what to do about it? Share in the comments below…

If you are ready to get clearer answers on how to support your own health and your body so you can make the right supplement and lifestyle changes: I invite you to sign up to work with me as a client through HTMA. You can get all the information as well as sign up on my Work With Me page HERE.

If you are a holistic health practitioner and would like to learn more about minerals and how to integrate HTMA into your holistic health practice - you can learn more about my program: The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart right HERE.

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