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Spring clean your health naturally

Episode #195 : Spring clean your health naturally 

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Spring Clean Your Health Naturally: A Guide to Seasonal Wellness

As the first blossoms of spring emerge, it's time to shake off the winter sluggishness and embrace the season of renewal. In our latest podcast episode, we delve into how we can work with spring to cleanse our bodies naturally, focusing on liver and gallbladder health. Building on last year's conversation about spring nutrition and natural detoxification, we're exploring even more ways to align with the season's energy.

Shifting from Force to Flow

This spring, let's move away from forced detoxes and harsh cleanses. Instead, we're embracing the natural rhythms of the season. By tuning into the longer days, milder temperatures, and fresh spring produce, we can support our body's innate cleansing processes.

Taking Inventory

Before we dive into spring cleaning our health, it's crucial to take stock of where we are. Here are a few areas to consider:

1. Water Quality: Remember, "Get a filter or become the filter." Ensuring you're drinking clean water is fundamental to health.

2. Appetite Changes: Notice if your appetite naturally decreases. This is your body's way of lightening the load for spring.

3. Natural "Shedding": Spring is a time when we might naturally release excess fluids, inflammation, and even a few pounds.

4. Sun Exposure: Start building your "solar callus" gradually to prepare for the sun-filled months ahead.

Eating for Spring

Spring nutrition is all about fresh, light foods. While raw foods can be beneficial, it's important to note that they're not suitable for everyone. We discuss who might benefit from more raw foods and who should approach them with caution.

Throughout the episode, I share personal stories and insights to help you navigate spring nutrition. From understanding what liver vitality feels like to recognizing signs of liver congestion after winter, these real-life examples bring the concepts to life.

The Liver-Thyroid Connection

Did you know your thyroid gland governs how fast fats are burned by your body? A stagnant liver can impact thyroid function, sometimes manifesting as a lump in the throat or lymph congestion. We even explore how liver health can affect your vision, as the liver rules the tendons in the eyes.

Gallbladder Health

We can't talk about spring cleansing without mentioning the gallbladder. We discuss how "gallbladder sludge" occurs and its connection to digestive issues and pain. The good news? No harsh flushes are necessary to support gallbladder health.

Embracing Natural Spring Cleansing

This season, let's move away from extreme detoxes and instead focus on supporting our body's natural cleansing processes. By aligning with spring's energy, paying attention to our body's signals, and making mindful choices about our nutrition and lifestyle, we can welcome spring with vitality and balance.

Remember, spring cleaning isn't just for your home – it's for your health too. By working with the season rather than against it, we can achieve a natural, gentle cleanse that leaves us feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Tune in to the full episode for more detailed insights, personal stories, and practical tips for spring wellness. Here's to a season of renewal and vibrant health!

Links that were mentioned in the episode if you want to dig further: 

  • Spring nutrition to detox the natural way HERE
  • Building better bile: The sluggish bile connection to slow metabolism HERE
  • Get more in flow with Castor oil packs HERE 
  • How to release emotions so you can increase your joy HERE 
  • Learn more about getting started with HTMA : HERE 

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