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Stop using toxic products, you deserve better!

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Listen to Episode #110: Stop using toxic products, you deserve better: Find: A Joy To Be Me; On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

I live in a body that feels like it’s being assaulted when encountering toxins.

Particularly those with toxic scents.

When I enter any new enclosed space my radar is always up.

Will there be toxic air fresheners?
Will the bedding be covered in toxic fragrance?
Will the trash be lined with ‘scented’ bags?
Will there be perfume scented candles burning or incense?
Will the floor have been mopped with chemicals?
Will there be natural soaps available to use or scented toxic ones? 
Will the dishwasher have used non toxic detergent so there are no chemicals on the dishes I use to eat or drink from?
Will there be cat dander or litter and if so, how long will I have to be in a closed space with those things -will they affect me? Can I open the windows or will it be warm enough to go outside?
Will there be a musty space that once held water? Will that musty space be ‘no big deal’ to most others but to me a threat?

So I tend to sound cuckoo looney tunes or ‘high maintenance’, to the people I am sharing spaces with.

My sensitivity and radar is often confronting to many who wish to ignore these things. I’ve seemingly ‘offended’ people by simply expressing how I need to take different measures to avoid such things if possible or create alternatives. It certainly would be easier if these things were not even made in the first place. It certainly would be easier if more of the population caught on to how many toxic products are in their homes, businesses and more. 

We live in a very toxic world my friends -that HUMANS have made so. Maybe you or I didn’t create the toxic products BUT we do choose to purchase them or use them when we absolutely do not have to.

Now the question is; can I trust my body to not revolt if enough of those things are in play - the answer is, yes!

However, it always poses some potential challenges that require an exit strategy and a recovery plan. Prevention is always on my mind and I take daily measures to support my system so over time these things are less hazardous to my health. I honestly wish I never had to give any thought to all of this though. 

You see, somehow I have the nose of a bloodhound with a sensitivity that is always dialed WAY up. It takes many daily practices and extra practices and supports to ensure my system doesn’t react badly to exposures. It’s something I’ve had to learn to live with and have made many strides towards improvement.

The truth is, we all deserve to live in harmonious environments.
The reality is we typically don’t. 

The average household uses dozens of products that contain toxic substances. The average person uses several to over a dozen products ON THEIR BODY that contain toxic substances. You all do know that what goes on your skin, goes into your body, right? What you breath in, goes into your body. 

Over time, that use and exposure adds up. It’s not just me being nit picky. It’s not ‘sensitive’ of me or high maintenance of me to speak up about toxins. It’s me taking a stand for health. When you love something, you will hate anything that comes against it. 

What we tolerate, dominates. 

We wonder why we are not feeling our best.
We fight aging, wrinkles, hair falling out and pain, and poor sleep.
We look at our skin and cringe that it looks so pasty or feels so rough or has outbreaks.
Women cry out about their hormones being ‘a wreck’ while they are continuing to use hormone disrupting chemicals without even being aware.
We often lack clear minded focus. 

I believe we all deserve better. We all need to tighten up our standards but first we need to get educated.

We’ve been in the pot that has had the heat turned up and up and up over time and we haven’t even been aware. Most won’t be aware until something drastic occurs -then they will be too sick, too burned out to have the bandwidth to make the massive changes that need to happen to liberate their body and return it to health.

There are things you can do now. They matter. They add up. They accumulate over time. Don’t wait to be incentivized by a health crisis.

My favorite site for education on this is; Environmental Working Group

Head over there today and read their mission and get your learn on so you can be motivated to make some changes. 

Start with your body products: stop putting toxins on your body, face, teeth, skin, hair or anything you put on your body; such as your laundry.

Then move to what products you use to clean things you use to eat or drink with.
Next, tackle the rest of your household cleaning products, those aren’t honestly labeled. 

Just start. Pick one thing and make a switch. 

According to EWG, just seven percent of cleaning products adequately disclose their contents. To uncover what’s in common household cleaners, EWG’s staff scientists spent 14 months reading product labels and digging through company websites and technical documents. We researched ingredients and contaminants in 15 government, industry and academic toxicity databases and numerous scientific and medical journals. Read more here.

We have to stop trusting that our government and companies care about our health -they don’t. You are the one who has to live with the ramifications, not them. They just get your money. Fuck that-say no! Give your money to people who do care, or make your own products or small biz owners products or well vetted companies.

This matters friends, even if you don’t have the sensitivities I do to these things, I guarantee they are harming you and others. Not to mention our planet.

Toxic dryer fumes from those fabric softeners and scented detergents are an assault to sensitive humans like me, to unaware humans, to animals to the environment.

Just stop using them. It’s a simple switch.

Remember this question:
How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.

The next time you run out of any of these items, before you just replace it - look it up on’s website. Once you truly see if for what it is, you’ll be more apt to swap it out with something non-toxic.

Funny thing, turns out humans don’t actually need umpteen different products for every single usage. There are amazing non-toxic products that have multiple uses - you can actually save yourself a ton of money by taking inventory of all your products. In addition, to save your body from having to constantly figure out how to effectively detox them daily.

Don't let toxic products rob you of your vitality and joy! Just stand firm in your NO! That's integrity, not pickiness. It's choosing YOU and your well being! 

Feel free to use the comments below to share your take-aways, ask questions or share your swaps so others can find alternatives as well. 


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