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Vulnerable Share: How To Love Yourself As You Are


Let's get vulnerable together, shall we? Totally naked, real, raw and unashamed.

Let's have a conversation about letting go of all the shame and judgement we put upon ourselves about our bodies.

I've gotta be honest and say, I'm pretty sick of the diet industry, the beauty industry, fashion industry mindset. Basically, any industry trying to make us believe we are not already WORTHY enough as we already are.

American culture has perpetuated a lot of body shaming. And you and I are at the effect of that unfortunately. But we don't have to let it impact us anymore. You and I, we can get honest about how we observe our own bodies and do something about it.

In this video, (you can watch it by clicking the play button in the image above), I shared my thoughts about this very conundrum we face.

My mission? To help you learn to love yourself just as you are.

How do you observe your own body, are you super critical of it? The only way you can embody more self-love is to shine the light on your dark thoughts. Do you have any negative feelings and criticisms about your physical body or appearance.

I sure did. My whole life. Even when others told me I had no reason to.

The truth is, we've all learned to be self-critical of our appearance. There are many reasons why this happens, but it's important to be honest about it in our own lives so we can move through it. Start to overcome it.

If you've been around here reading on my blog or following me on social media (especially this past year), you know I take a stand for letting go of what does not serve you (mindset, thoughts, foods, self-criticisms etc...).

And the same is true, when it comes to how you see your physical body. What thoughts are there that are not serving you as the radiant beautiful soul that you are?

In this video I'm talking more about the deep need to evaluate how we view ourselves. With no judgement or shame. Just honesty. Why do we feel so unworthy?

As you watch the video be prepared to ask yourself; what you need most today?

Your soul may be trying to tell you to love yourself just as you are. It's OKAY to just be exactly where you are right now, whatever you body physically looks or feels like.

The truth is when we hold onto judgements or shame about our body, we carry a heaviness we are not intended to. This causes constriction, feels constraining, holds us back, weighs us down.

Bodies changes their shape and size a million times in our lifetimes and it's natural and normal. You will stretch, expand, grow, change, ebb and flow.

What do you hear yourself saying you hate about your body regularly? Notice. If you hear yourself judging your physical body on the regular, just be honest with yourself and recognize it. Pause. No beating yourself up. Just consider how you can love yourself in this moment.

Notice what triggers you about your own physical body. Triggers equal insecurities. We ALL have them. They are powerful messengers if we listen to what they are trying to teach us.

Consider when you hear yourself criticizing yourself next time that there is something deep inside that needs to be loved or attended to. How could this judgement be hindering you in other areas of your life?

Here's an exercise you can try to liberate yourself from self-criticism.

Write a letter to your younger self.

Find a picture of yourself when you were younger. Maybe a picture of you that you feel proud of your outer beauty. When you were young and 'beautiful' or more physically in line with how you are now wishing you still were. Youthful. Perkier breasts. Firmer skin. Brighter eyes. Healthy hair. Whatever it is about that version of you that you felt physically attractive or even just proud of the image of yourself.

I wrote a letter to my 20-year old self recently based on a photo I found when I was getting some modeling shots done back in the day. And because I wanted to remember what it felt like to be 20 since my oldest son just turned 20 (which I'm still in total awe about by the way).

I stepped back into her, where she was at in her heart, soul, mind. I felt all her insecurities, all the shit she was carrying she should not be carrying.

I stepped into my nurturing mother, and wrote a letter a love letter to my 20 year old self and I told her what I would want her to hear as my 44 year old self with years of insight and wisdom. I laid the love on thick. I saturated her and nurtured her.

You see your vessel, your human body carries who you are. It embodies all the facets of your beautiful existence on this planet of which NO ONE else can be or is.

So, please by all means treat yourself with love. Forgive yourself for beating up on yourself.
Show up and be liberated as you are, no pressure to be or look at certain way.

In the video, I shared this exercise with you -be sure to watch it. I  also recommended a book.

Happy Weight
is a great book you can check out. It's a great book for you if this post has resonated for you, and you want a more whole person approach to help you unlock body confidence. This is one of my favorite books to recommend to my clients who are feeling 'stuck' in their health journey, especially when it comes to dieting and weight loss. Also, if you are tired of our polluted media driven idea of beauty and are hungry for something to nourish your soul.

If you are looking for support with a mentor and coach to empower you further than you can on  your own, so you can radically transform your health & life... I invite you to book a breakthrough session with me.  A breakthrough session is designed to provide you with clarity, confidence and effective tools to move beyond the challenges you are facing (in your health or life) and a simple action plan to follow so you can start creating a life you love.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. What ways have you noticed you are super self critical of your physical body? Is this something you want to shift? Let me know in the comments.

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