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What Happens When You Create A Vision Board

freedom & flow Jun 23, 2018

Many years ago, during my Nutritional Therapy training, I learned about using a vision board to help fuel my goals for my business and practice. It was one of those, "Oh Yes!" I am SO going to do these moments, where I just knew that it would be a powerful project to utilize.

Fast forward four years, and I finally got around to creating my first one. Today, I want to share more with you on the 'how,' but first, I need to share the immediate benefits I saw shortly after I created my first board.

As I added things to my board, I started to get happier than I had been in a while. My focus became clearer and I became more proactive about my life in general because I had a grand vision to actually look at and forward to. Knowing what I wanted and what made me happy, fueled me daily to take BIG action and not waste time.

Within six weeks, I started to see things on my board appear or happen in my life. I focused a few minutes several mornings a week on going over my board and revisiting each thing I added to it and why. Each time, I got more excited and more devoted causing me to not waste time in my day-to-day activities.

I've now added numerous items to the board as I have been able to check off a large portion of the board. It's so empowering to give wings to my vision, and I hope you will try it out too.


What is a Vision Board?

If you’re familiar with the Law of Attraction, you know that “like attracts like.” Basically, what we think about will come about. Whether you’re aware of your thoughts or not, you are attracting every negative and positive thing into your life by how you are thinking and feeling.

So if you feel like your life is not going well - you hate your job, you’re in the wrong relationship, you lead a boring life, etc. - then you will keep attracting those types of people, circumstances, and things. You will need to change how you think if you want to improve your life and get out of a rut.

One of the best ways to manifest what you really want in your life is to create a vision board.

This is a visualizing tool that you can use daily to shift your mindset and focus your intentions for each day. It’s very powerful because “your brain responds strongly to visual stimulation, which will strengthen and stimulate your emotions, which are the vibrational energy that activates the Law of Attraction.”

These boards usually consist of a poster, foam, or cork board and cut-outs of pictures, drawings, and phrases of things that you want in your life, or things that you want to manifest. With technology these days, if you’re not a crafty person, you can do it digitally via Pinterest. It’s a lot easier and faster to make your board(s) through this platform.

Why Make a Vision Board?

First, you need to get really clear and honest with yourself to figure out who you want to become, what you want to have in your life, where you want to live, what you do want to do with your life, etc.

Then, you need to surround yourself with images of those things. Choose pictures, images, and phrases that make you feel empowered about your life, increase your joy and happiness when you think about them, give you confidence and make you feel really good.

The idea of a vision board is to get you into the habit of visualizing this “dream life” every day until you manifest it in reality. You can take a few minutes at the beginning of the day or at the end before you go to bed, stare at your board, then close your eyes, and see yourself having the life you want - working at that dream job, being in that special relationship, being active, living in that dream home, etc.

Visualize every detail and really feel it - this is key. You can daydream and visualize all you want but you won’t manifest anything until you feel good about those things and allow those strong, positive emotions to take over your whole body. Feel grateful for everything that you already have and those things, people, and circumstances that are already on their way and coming to you. Believe it is already yours. Feel yourself in that future you designed.

How to Create Your Own Vision Board

You can decide whether you want to make your vision board digitally (I did mine as a Pinterest board) or if you want to get crafty.

If you go the physical board route, you’ll need:

A board as big as you like (poster, cardboard, foam, cork, etc.)
Glue or Tacks
An assortment of magazines or print-outs from websites

Now is the fun part! Cut out images and phrases in any shape or form of things you want in your future. Then position them around the board to your liking. This is your masterpiece, so get creative with it! When you’re done, hang it somewhere you can view it every day.

If you create boards on Pinterest, be sure to go to your boards every day. Set an alarm or reminder on your phone to spend a few minutes a day visualizing what is on those boards in your life.

But don't just stop there, choose an action step for the top 3 things on your board you want the most every week. Or choose an action every day to act on what you are envisioning on your board. Whatever you do, make it work for your life. Set a date even.

Ex. When I created my first Pinterest board I was ready to start dating again. I put a lot of things on my board about what I wanted to find in a man and in a relationship. But I didn't stop there. I put myself out there. I committed to actually going on dates, talking to people and just allowed myself to be OPEN to the process of receiving what I wanted. I decided that I would go out on a date once a week (eek, that was a stretch for me).

I also decided to just have FUN with the process too, as well as be open to things shifting because as I moved towards what I wanted I got more clarity on what I really wanted. Always be prepared to shift. Take the leap and learn along the way! If you don't you'll just be stuck in regret for all the things you dreamed of wanting but never tried or acted on.

So don't just create a vision board to dream your life away in the clouds - create the vision so you can have clarity on the process and actions you'll need to take to move towards what you want!

I believe action creates clarity, even the act of putting together a vision board can help you really focus on what you DO want (like I talked about in my post; 'How To Become Who You Want To Be').

Here are some ideas of what you can put on your vision board:

Your dream home
Your dream vehicle
Your perfect mate
Your dream body
Places you want to travel to
Professional goals
Luxury items you want
Activities you want to do
Pictures of family and friends
Inspirational quotes

Above is a photo of my vision board for summer 2018.

Above is a photo of my vision board for fall 2018.

( You can watch my FB live video all about my summer vision board HERE and my FB live all about my fall vision board HERE).

In my summer vision board left a little space to add a few photos of things I couldn't find (such as; a kayak, a yurt, a stand up paddle board, Burlesque dancing and river tubing). I had created a written summer bucket list before creating my vision board which helped me to find photos that matched what I am trying to create and do this summer.

For my fall vision board, I also created one in Canva to use as my screensaver on my desktop. This way I see it every day.

How about you? Have you ever created a vision board? What results came from it - would love to hear more in the comments!

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