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What You Need to Know to Overcome Adrenal Fatigue

Hi, my name is Lydia Joy ... and I am not only recovering from adrenal fatigue I now radiate health and vitality. Which in truth, is EVERY woman's birthright... to thrive, not just 'survive'!

Statistics currently show, that 80 percent of adults will experience adrenal fatigue during their lifetime. 80 percent!!! That sure is a lot of people and the reason for this epidemic is not just physical. Our physical well being totally depends on our mental, emotional and spiritual health too.

Essentially, your adrenal glands are where the strength center of your body is located. They give you the ability to keep going and to endure. They are one of your two main energy producing glands in the body. You probably know that the adrenals are there to spur you on, to give you energy to tackle stressful situations, both emotional and physical.

The adrenals are closely connected with your sympathetic nervous system (the gas) as opposed to the parasympathetic nervous system (the brake). During times of fight or flight, you need your sympathetic nervous system to change your physiology, so you can take action. You also need your parasympathetic nervous system to change your physiology, so you can benefit from deep rest and restoration.

Unfortunately, many women’s adrenals are over burdened, constantly producing hormones to keep them ramped up. The problem here is, that this imbalance can result in mood disorders, sleep disturbances, reduced immunity, and changes in vital circulation. However, because these side effects are not bad enough to be unbearable, a lifestyle that constantly depletes these glands is never addressed.

Eventually, your adrenals will become overtaxed, exhausted and you won't be able to keep up with the burden or demands of life. Does this pattern sound familiar?

How Adrenal Fatigue Can Show Up In Your Life & Health

In this video, I shared my story of how adrenal fatigue hit me hard and I felt like a train going full speed ahead totally derailed off the tracks. What it looked like for me could help you see if this is in fact what you too may be experiencing.

Some of the ways it can show up:

  • You can't drag yourself out of bed. You are groggy and can’t get going even with coffee and may even need coffee or chocolate later in the day. Maybe you crave sweets - and experience hypoglycemia.
  • You can’t remember things like you used to and your brain feels like you are trying to sort thoughts through a foggy swamp or pea soup
  • You get sick easily or have recurring infections (for me it was sinus infections). You get headaches all the time and you feel low or depressed.
  • You have trouble falling asleep even though you are EXHAUSTED  and the worries of your day play on repeat in your head over and over.
  • You experience unexplainable lower back pain. Or find it easy to throw out your back just from bending over simply to pick up a sock off the floor.
  • Even the littlest daily stresses wig you out more than they used to. You find yourself snippy at your family members. You shush your kids
  • You could care less about sex but feel really bummed about that, because you love your partner and used to really enjoy sex.

Sound familiar?

You could be experiencing the fatigue of your adrenal glands impacting your whole health.

Relentless stress over long periods of time that is not addressed through lifestyle changes and emotional healing, combined with a nutrient-poor diet and supplemental support, is what usually leads to adrenal fatigue.

SO - now what? What can you do?

The best option for healing adrenal fatigue over the long run is to restore adrenal health and function so your adrenals can eventually produce the hormones you need on their own. This can be done by making changes to your lifestyle that led you to the adrenal fatigue in the first place.

  • Practice Daily Gratitude & Learn to Embody It
  • Invest in relationships that nourish you (not deplete you)
  • Learn self-love and self-care practices. Radical self-acceptance is one of my favorite books.
  • Enjoy time for rest, relaxation and fun.
  • Learn when to say yes and when to say no.
  • Prioritize. Make a list of your most important activities and commitments, and then let everything else go. Don’t agree to a new task or commitment unless it’s something that will recharge your batteries.

While diet, nutrition, sleep, exercise and the right supplements are muy importante!  If you are not addressing yourself as a whole person through a lifestyle approach you won’t get very far in your adrenal healing or experience sustainable recovery! This has been my path to recovery and it can be yours too!

So what about you? Did you resonate with what I shared about what adrenal fatigue can feel like ? Are you experiencing any level of these symptoms?

Share in the comments below so I can support you.


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