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You are the placebo

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Your biology is changed by your own energy. 
Your energy is what affects matter. 
When you change your energy you change your body. 

Joe Dispenza talks about this in his work; his books, videos and meditations. So does Bruce Lipton. 

Listen to episode #111: You are the placebo : On - iTunes, iHeartRadio, Buzzsprout, Stitcher, Spotify or anywhere you tune into podcasts. 

Between one-third and two-thirds of all healing is down to the placebo effect, not therapies, drugs, injections, shots or surgery. The placebo is just a sugar-pill where someone is healed by the belief they’ll get better: positive thinking.

Now the nocebo effect is equally powerful, caused by negative thoughts. The belief you have a terminal illness can actually cause you to die, and negative thinking is much more common collectively in society today.

You are either the placebo or the nocebo. 

In this episode; I shared a powerful message and a client transformation just in time for you to consider what you may need to let go of this full moon. So you can free up energy and experience greater freedom in your mind, body, soul, emotions. 

I would love to hear from you in the comments below; have you ever had your own placebo experience? 

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