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Your Inner Stress Barometer

In this episode, I talk about what I'm calling your inner "stress barometer" which notifies you when your mind and body are under too much strain. 

Listen to Episode #89: Your Inner Stress Barometer : Find A JOY TO BE ME on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

When you become aware of your inner stress barometer-  it can help notify you when you need to give your body more of what it needs.  In order to restore your equilibrium you have to find the right balance in your life in order to restore harmony.

Does your body "act up" when you are stressed?

Do you get strange sensations that make you worry you might have something seriously wrong with you?

Do you listen to your inner needs when you are spread too thin, or do you "power" through it, depleting yourself further?

There's a line in the Lord of Rings in which Bilbo tells Gandalf that “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” 

If you can relate to that ^ be sure to tune in for a loving, yet firm, reminder of why this is not something to avoid or ignore. 

Other episodes/blogs to check out: 

- How to declutter like a mofo and free up energy 
- How to recognize if you are in survival mode 
- How to relieve chronic stress so you feel fantastic 
- How to destress with the most magical mineral 
- Are you at the top of your to-do list? 


Ready to increase your energy by balancing your body's minerals? This mini program is for anyone who wants to take their health to the next level. If your health is not where you want it to be after having cleaned up your diet, detoxed your personal care products implemented an exercise routine, hand normal test results with your docter but still don't 'feel' normal -it's time to remineralize. *Learn more HERE.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Client Program
 Get started with your mineral balancing journey by becoming a 1:1 client. You'll get your very own HTMA session and game plan from me. PLUS access to my online program over the course of 12 weeks to fully support and assist you as you implement your protocol. *Learn more HERE.

JOIN The HTMA Jumpstart Program for Holistic Health Practitioners  A 6 module, DIY, step by step sustainable approach to integrating Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis into your holistic health practice, so you can more effectively support your ideal client base and create effective bio-individual game plans. *Learn moreHERE


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