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Mineral Foundations: Horsetail, Silica & Your Structure

Mineral Foundations: Horsetail, Silica & Your Structure 

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*The following blog is a summary of what I shared in the podcast, there is much more depth in the episode you won't want to miss. 

The Ancient Wisdom of Horsetail: A Silica-Rich Foundation for Structural Health

There's something truly magical about working with a plant that dinosaurs once walked among. Horsetail (*Equisetum arvense*) has remained virtually unchanged for over 300 million years, making it one of our most ancient plant allies and a living fossil connecting us to Earth's primordial wisdom.

In my practice and personal healing journey, horsetail has become a foundational herb I return to again and again, particularly for its exceptional silica content. As the tissue salt traditionally associated with Sagittarius energy, silica provides that perfect balance of flexibility within strong boundaries—something many o...

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Mercury: The Silent Saboteur of Your Nervous System

Episode #220: Mercury: The Silent Saboteur of your nervous system 

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YouTube HERE

Hello, my friends, and welcome back to *A JOY TO BE ME*! I hope you're finding joy in being you. Today, I’m diving right into the heart of our episode, building on the themes from my last two episodes: “Healing Burnout: How Mothers and Environment Shape Our Health” and “How Maternal Microbiomes Charge Immune Health.”

I want to help you see the long history of factors shaping our current health paradigm, especially regarding chronic health issues. Understanding these influences can lead to deeper healing.

Personally, reflecting on what has shaped my health and that of my children is invaluable, particularly as we see the rise of nervous system regulation concepts. I want to avoid falling into the trap of new labels that distort our reality, create disempowerment, or lead us into victimhood. 

While it’s true that our current environment has caused overload, this d...

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Reclaiming our health in a toxic world: Navigating Chemtrails & Aluminum

Episode #212: Reclaiming our health in a toxic world: Navigating Chemtrails & Aluminum

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YouTube HERE

We’ve officially entered the era of Pluto in Aquarius, and I can’t help but feel a surge of energy rising within me—a powerful call to action that resonates with the warrior mom vibe. I’m feeling ready to deep dive into this transformative time with you. 

As I reflect on the overwhelming power of massive forces looming over us, it’s hard not to feel like we’re facing a colossal monster trying to dictate every aspect of our lives. This weight can be cruel, especially when we resist.


Many of us are left feeling mentally unsettled and demoralized, as if our sense of purpose has been stripped away, along with our meaningful roles in society. We’ve become disconnected from nature, from each other, and from our own history and ancestral roots, leading to a troubling state of unhealthiness.


But here’s the truth: our challenges run deeper than ju...

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Why everyone needs to remineralize: Heavy Metals [ Arsenic ]

Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you

Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] / iTunes [HERE] or find it just about anywhere else you tune in.


Embrace the power of remineralization to fortify your body against heavy metals like arsenic. Learn how to protect your health with whole foods and targeted nutritional support.

In this episode I delve into a topic that affects us all: heavy metals. Recently, I came across a concerning incident that highlighted the dangers of toxic substances in our environment. This motivated me to share the importance of remineralizing o...

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