Mineral Foundations: Essential Building Blocks for Lasting Health. Register Now!

Mineral Foundations: Horsetail, Silica & Your Structure

Mineral Foundations: Horsetail, Silica & Your Structure 

Listen to the full episode on iTunes 
Listen to the full episode on Spotify 
Find the episode on YouTube 

*The following blog is a summary of what I shared in the podcast, there is much more depth in the episode you won't want to miss. 

The Ancient Wisdom of Horsetail: A Silica-Rich Foundation for Structural Health

There's something truly magical about working with a plant that dinosaurs once walked among. Horsetail (*Equisetum arvense*) has remained virtually unchanged for over 300 million years, making it one of our most ancient plant allies and a living fossil connecting us to Earth's primordial wisdom.

In my practice and personal healing journey, horsetail has become a foundational herb I return to again and again, particularly for its exceptional silica content. As the tissue salt traditionally associated with Sagittarius energy, silica provides that perfect balance of flexibility within strong boundaries—something many o...

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Trace Minerals: Building Blocks for Your Inner Ecosystem

Trace Mineral : Building Blocks for Your Inner Ecosystem

Are you feeling out of balance, like your body's internal environment is in disarray? Just as a thriving ecosystem needs all its elements to function harmoniously, your body's inner ecology relies on a delicate balance of nutrients - with trace minerals playing a crucial role.

In today's world of processed foods and depleted soils, many of us are facing a silent crisis: trace mineral deficiencies. These tiny yet mighty elements are the unsung heroes of our internal ecosystem, affecting everything from our basic bodily functions to our overall sense of wellbeing.

Think of trace minerals as the essential microorganisms in the soil of your body's ecosystem:

• They form the foundation of your physiological processes, much like soil microbes support plant life.
• They help create a resilient internal environment, protecting you from 'invasive species' like illness and stress.
• They nurture the growth of beneficial 'flora and faun...

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Minerals & Your Nervous System

Episode #224: Minerals & Your Nervous System [+last episode of A JOY TO BE ME]

Listen on iTunes HERE
Listen on Spotify HERE
YouTube HERE


Rewilded Wellness: A New Chapter in Health and Healing

Welcome, to what marks both an end and a beginning. This is my final episode of "A Joy To Be Me", I will be transitioning to a new name and a renewed focus: "Rewilded Wellness."

A Journey Through Time and Transformation

It feels like a lifetime ago when I launched "A Joy To Be Me" in February 2020, just before the world changed with COVID-19 lockdowns. For those who've been with me since my first podcast, "The Vibrant Health Podcast," you know this journey has been years in the making.

The past five years have been transformative, leading me to pivot and stake my claim in a new territory of wellness. Two years ago, with episode 160, "The fundamentals for human health are so sexy," I began shifting the podcast's direction. Now, I'm fully embracing this evolution with the new name, "Rewilded ...

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The Hidden Risks: Carnivore Diets and the Truth about Copper, Iron, and Aluminum Cookware

Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you

Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] or find it just about anywhere else you tune in. 

In this episode, I explore two topics that have been circulating in the health arena: the carnivore diet and the use of copper, iron, and aluminum cookware. While these trends may seem enticing, it is crucial to understand the potential risks and consider alternative options.

The Carnivore Diet and Potassium Deficiency

The carnivore diet, which emphasizes meat consumption, has gained popularity recently. However, it overlooks a critical mi...

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PODCAST: Understanding & supporting the luteal phase of your cycle

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me ) 

In this episode I chat about our luteal phase  - and some of the nuance around it for women in relationship to nutrition, lifestyle and more. When you are able to decode your own physiology, you’re able to help your body heal and use that body to create the life you desire.

Listen to episode # 140 : Understanding & supporting the luteal phase of your cycle - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Ladies, and the men that love the ladies, let’s talk about your LUTEAL PHASE today

I got some good feedback from folks about my episode on minerals and ovulation so I’m back to dig into another phase of our cycle and it just so happens to be the cycle I’m currently hanging out in and wanted to share some insight specifically about this phase with you today.

As a quick reminder
The four phases of a women’s infradian rhythm (aka: monthly cycle) are: menstruation, follicular, ovulation and luteal
Your horm...

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PODCAST: Minerals that impact ovulation

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me ) 

In this episode I chat about ovulation  - and some of the nuance around it for women in relationship to two key minerals. These minerals are imbalanced to some degree in everyone today. 

Listen to episode #138 : Minerals that impact ovulation - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

Okay ladies (and guys this is important to know about your lady) I’ve gotta be honest with you - I’m a little surprised how many women do not know the phases of their cycle. Let’s change this please cause you need to know -it affects you every month in 4 different phases and tuning into your hormones helps you know how to take really good care of yourselves.

The four phases are: menstruation, follicular, ovulation and luteal
Your hormones are completely different in each of these 4 phases.

I happen to currently be in my ovulation phase and wanted to share some insight specifically about this phase with you today - B...

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PODCAST: Calcium supplements, are they harmful?

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

People tend to think I’m against calcium, I’m not. 

What I am against  is what stands in direct attack of what I am for. 
Which is misinformation that leads to dysfunction, disorder or discomfort or "dis ease".

A reader on an Instagram post of mine asked ;  

“We always hear from holistic therapists that calcium supplements are considered harmful. So are mineral supplements (because of Ca in them) considered harmful as well?”

Listen to episode # 127: Are calcium supplements harmful? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

First, let me say why I tend to warn about calcium being a problem. We are living in a calcified world. 
Magnesium controls electrical cell-to-cell communication allowing the correct amount of calcium to enter a cell to create cell contraction. 

This may be one of the hardest tasks for magnesium because the level of calcium outside our cell could be  thousands of times the safe level...

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PODCAST: Are your minerals getting inside your cells?

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

I’ve been really pimping out my electrolyte recipe lately and when people finally start using it they tend to like how it gives them a bit of a boost/lift. 
The fluid and electrolyte system, itself, in the body is dynamic and very difficult to measure. But we do know it depends on access to minerals dissolved in water and proper cellular absorption of those minerals making them bioavailable. 

Listen to episode #126 : Are your minerals getting inside your cells? - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

One of the most important functions of electrolytes is to enhance cellular hydration. To most people, hydration just means there is enough water in the body but the real key is to get the water into the cells and make it stay there to perform its biological functions. 

Most people tell me: “I didn’t know I needed anything other than water to be hydrated” 

NOPE -tune in and get your learn on so ...

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PODCAST: Expand your joy (with minerals)

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

Expand your joy so deep. That it doesn’t matter what others do or don’t do.
You still have an overflow. You still have waters of bliss to bathe in at any given moment.

In this episode, I remind us all of the core message of this podcast: A JOY TO BE YOURSELF.

Listen to episode #122 : Expand your joy (with minerals) - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

I share an adventure I had and some past podcasts on joy as well as how to ENJOY your life and be yourself more fully with a key mineral pair in balance (and what it means).

If you haven't yet checked out this past posts, check them out too:

- How to Create a life full of ultimate pleasure
- Lack of Joy? How to revive your passion 

Like I always say; minerals run the show!


Check out my online dispensary, nutrition & coaching services! Plus my two courses; Remineralize & The HTMA Practitioner Jumpstart. 


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PODCAST: Magnesium, hormones & Motherhood (+a heartfelt client story)

Donations are so appreciated (PayPal Me )

In this episode I'm chatting about a few things you won't wanna miss. I share a mama bear cry and call to rise up and create health ( the future form of currency we all need to prioritize). 

You cannot give beyond what you yourself have to give : boundaries are essential and the not so sexy self care is non-negotiable. 

Listen to episode #120: Magnesium, hormones & Motherhood { +a heartfelt client story } - Find: A Joy To Be Me - On: iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify

I also share, yet again, on magnesium with a call to action and a past episode you gotta check out. And a client wrote in her heartfelt gratitude and in this episode I'm sharing her story as well. 

Despite the fact that magnesium is almost as important for life as the air we breathe I still meet people daily who have no clue of it’s benefits and not only that they are living a magnesium burning way of life (sympathetic : adrenaline burns through magnesium ...

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