Mineral Foundations: Essential Building Blocks for Lasting Health. Register Now!

The Balanced Art of Biochemical Healing: Building Foundations Before Fixing Problems


A Balanced Approach to HTMA Practice

Practitioners frequently reach out to me seeking guidance on how to learn more about Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), largely because I previously taught an HTMA online program. I'd like to share some perspective on what I was looking for when I was just beginning, as well as how I can support those seeking deeper knowledge in this field.

Listen to this blog post on my Rewilded Wellness podcast as well. 

Season 2: Episode 5- Practitioner to Practitioners: An Ethical Foundation-First HTMA Approach

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My Journey to a Balanced HTMA Approach

When I first started exploring minerals, I carefully evaluated different teachers' approaches to determine who I wanted to learn from. What helped me most was understanding the fundamental principles first and considering others' approaches thoughtfully rather than accepting them without question.

Dr. Malter stood out as the most neutral and gentle teacher at the

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Minerals & Your Nervous System

Episode #224: Minerals & Your Nervous System [+last episode of A JOY TO BE ME]

Listen on iTunes HERE
Listen on Spotify HERE
YouTube HERE


Rewilded Wellness: A New Chapter in Health and Healing

Welcome, to what marks both an end and a beginning. This is my final episode of "A Joy To Be Me", I will be transitioning to a new name and a renewed focus: "Rewilded Wellness."

A Journey Through Time and Transformation

It feels like a lifetime ago when I launched "A Joy To Be Me" in February 2020, just before the world changed with COVID-19 lockdowns. For those who've been with me since my first podcast, "The Vibrant Health Podcast," you know this journey has been years in the making.

The past five years have been transformative, leading me to pivot and stake my claim in a new territory of wellness. Two years ago, with episode 160, "The fundamentals for human health are so sexy," I began shifting the podcast's direction. Now, I'm fully embracing this evolution with the new name, "Rewilded ...

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