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Vitamin D Unmasked: Navigating Misconceptions & Inflammation

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In this thought-provoking episode, I delve into the fascinating world of human biology and explore our disconnection from its wonders. Join me as I embark on a journey to rediscover our biological brilliance, embrace ancestral practices, and unlock health and vitality like never before.

Unveiling "A New Path" by Arthur Haines

I kick off by shedding light on a groundbreaking book, "A New Path" by Arthur Haines. This enlightening read delves into...

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PODCAST: Do you really need to PUSH your vitamin D levels so high?

In this episode, I went on a little vitamin D rant because I’m still hearing it preached by ‘health experts’ especially in light of Covid. 

Listen to Episode #80: RANT-Do You Really Need to PUSH your vitamin D levels so high? : Find A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher or Spotify 

I was listening to a recent talk , and the speaker was bragging about his stored vitamin D levels of 90. 

But a large body of evidence in the medical literature strongly suggests that optimal vitamin D levels might be lower than these figures. There is little to no evidence showing benefit to 25(OH)D levels above 50 ng/mL, and increasing evidence to suggest that levels of this magnitude may cause harm. Consequences of vitamin D toxicity include heart attack, stroke, kidney stones, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss, and low bone density

I view supplementation from a metabolic standpoint via tissue mineral analysis studies and the...

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A pledge of blind allegiance to 'vitamin' D

It's no secret I've got a big beef with how we over recommend vitamin D supplements.

To be fair, I don't like hyping up any single nutrient as a god unto itself.

It's not how nature intended for us to receive our nutrition and it loses it's full spectrum benefits and turns into a hazard in the human system. 

I shared a funny reel to show just how cult-y this whole excess vitamin D thing has gotten -watch it HERE

You can also go back and read my past posts on the blog about what treating this one nutrient as a god unto itself can do when taken in excess by itself for too long. 

Read; 'What you need to know to assess 'Vitamin D' more thoroughly' and  'How excessive vitamin D supplements can suppress thyroid function'. 

I went on to share in an Instagram TV video, a few more big picture ways to view this whole excess D taking conundrum. I promise you don't have to be REACTIVE about vitamin D in light of all the excessive talk about it this past year.

You can...

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What you need to know to assess 'vitamin' D more thoroughly

First off, let me be clear, the primary source of vitamin D is the sun, and it is found naturally in very few whole foods, foods that are naturally exposed to the sun. Sunlight and vitamin D are not the same thing


{You can also find my podcast: A Joy To Be Me on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Stitcher and Spotify }

The real problem is that more and more people are spending time indoors AWAY from the sun. Not to mention, slather their bodies with sunscreen when outdoors and this blocks them from making the sun to skin process that creates vitamin D in the body. 

Get nerdy and check out this conversation with Kris Kross of EMRTEK about these very problems and the added challenge with our exposure to blue light. 

It's important to understand that Vitamin D is made in our bodies by a step by step conversion process. It's not a vitamin we get from food as our primary source of it for human health.

We CAN choose to consume these...

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