Uncovering the Real Story Behind Your Health

In my work, I go beyond the surface to help you rewrite your health story.

Chronic fatigue, gut issues, brain fog, poor sleep, mood swings – these aren’t just random symptoms; they’re clues your body is giving you. Using my coaching approach and two core tests – HTMA and BiomeFX – I help you connect the dots, uncovering what’s really going on beneath the surface. Together, these powerful tools help us dig deep into what’s really driving your symptoms

I’m not here for quick fixes or short-term solutions. Instead, I’m here to walk with you through a transformative journey, where we dive deep to resolve root causes and create real, lasting change. This isn’t about throwing a band-aid on your symptoms – it’s about healing, empowering, and restoring balance so you can wake up feeling more alive, clear-headed, and vibrant every day.You deserve a partnership that empowers you to take control of your well-being. 

A Personalized Approach to True Healing

I’m not here to just hand you a plan and send you on your way

This is a partnership where I guide and support you every step of the way. As your coach, I help you initiate meaningful change, but I’m also here to ensure you stay aligned with the health goals you’ve committed to. If I see you veering off course, I will speak up and offer you the insights and tools needed to course-correct.

I combine the best of both worlds – as a **coach**I guide you to uncover your own inner authority and make empowered decisions for your health. As a **consultant**I provide you with the in-depth knowledge, resources, and actionable steps based on the results of your HTMA and BiomeFX tests. It’s about learning to fish, rather than just being handed a fish.

What you can expect

Empowered Health Ownership

You will become your own health authority, gaining the confidence and knowledge to make informed choices that truly support your body.

Root Cause Solutions

With HTMA and BiomeFX, we get to the heart of your health challenges. No more band-aid solutions – just real, lasting change.

Sustainable Progress

You’ll walk away with practical tools, personalized insights, and the ability to take charge of your health for the long haul.

Accountability and Support

I’m as committed to your health goals as you are. I’ll be here to stretch, challenge, and keep you on track while holding space for your growth.


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis reveals your body’s mineral imbalances and toxic heavy metals, giving us a clear picture of what’s draining your energy or causing your symptoms. This test is like your body’s blueprint, helping us understand where to focus first to restore balance.

Learn more about HTMA

Why BiomeFX?

BiomeFX digs into the world of your gut microbiome, showing us which microbes are helping or hindering your health. Your gut is foundational to overall well-being, and this test helps us address gut imbalances that may be linked to chronic symptoms, like digestive issues, mood swings, or poor immunity.

Learn more about BiomeFX

Your Role in the Process

This package is built on collaboration. You’re not a passive participant – you’re actively engaged in your healing journey. You’re responsible for following through on goals, taking action, and showing up for yourself. Together, we co-create solutions that fit your life and align with your personal health vision.


You don’t just get a one-size-fits-all solution here. This is a partnership focused on your unique needs, growth, and long-term wellness. Ready to transform your health from the inside out?

Coaching Package Options

Both options include functional nutrition consulting to review either HTMA and BiomeFX as well as the coaching support.

Coaching with HTMA


This package includes
one Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) & 8 personalized coaching sessions over the course of 3-4 months.

We’ll use the results of your HTMA to uncover the mineral imbalances that may be affecting your energy, mood, sleep, and overall well-being.

Together, we’ll create a tailored plan that helps you restore balance and optimize your health. 

Book Free Discovery Call

Coaching with HTMA & BiomeFX


For a deeper dive into your health, this comprehensive package includes 2 HTMA tests, 1 BiomeFX gut microbiome analysis, and 8 coaching sessions over 6-8 months.

We’ll get to the root of your gut health and mineral imbalances, providing a clear roadmap to healing and sustainable change.

This option is ideal for those looking to address chronic issues and achieve long-lasting results.

Book Free Discovery Call

Ready to invest deeply in yourself?

I would love a chance to chat with you before we get started together - this helps us both make sure moving forward is the best fit for both of us. I'm sure you have questions anyways and I am happy to talk those through with you. Just click the button below -you'll be taken to my scheduler where you can book a free discovery call to make sure this coaching option will meet your current health goals.


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