Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis with Lydia Joy

I’m here to guide and support you on your health journey through the powerful tool of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). Whether you’re just starting to explore mineral balancing or have been on this path for a while, I offer several ways to meet you where you are. I’ll walk you through each option in detail, so you can confidently choose what’s right for your current needs and goals. My aim is to help you find the best path to restore balance and feel your best.


Hi, I’m Lydia Joy,

I’m passionate about using Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) because it offers deep insights into every client’s unique health picture. Minerals are foundational to our well-being, yet they’re often overlooked in traditional health assessments. Many people who feel like they’ve ‘tried everything’ often miss this crucial piece—mineral balance.

HTMA allows me to pinpoint mineral imbalances that could be holding you back from feeling your best. It’s a tool I use with every single client because it consistently delivers valuable information.

For women experiencing burnout, HTMA often uncovers the missing link they need to start feeling better. The changes in energy, stress resilience, and overall well-being can be profound and in a relatively short amount of time.

Although I primarily support women recovering from burnout, I also work with men, children, and entire families to bring balance and vitality back into their lives.


Read more about HTMA

Allow me to share why my clients love HTMA

First, clients LOVE tests and hard data. It’s ingrained in us thanks to Western medicine.

Second, clients feel validated when they understand what the information HTMA shows them about their entire health picture.

Third, it’s affordable, non-invasive and gives massive insight that no other test can show (and you don't even have to leave the comfort of your home to do it).

Fourth, it gives me clarity on how to address the mineral piece of the puzzle for all my clients, while also addressing every single health foundation.

Finally, it’s repeatable and intended to be used long term to course correct your health so you can recover and prevent future metabolic disarray.

When working towards your health goals it's important to choose the best path to receive support

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Consultation

A consult includes: 2 written reports, 1- 90 minute phone session, my online program, the cost of the lab fee, access to my online dispensary (with built in discounts), weekly client newsletters with checkins and ongoing resources as well as email support for 3 months

When you sign up for a hair tissue mineral analysis consultation with me, you will get:

An automatic invitation into my online program. The online program has 10 modules that will guide you over 3 months as you work on your HTMA game plan. You will be able to work on the first few lessons while you wait for your hair test kit in the mail and then for the results to come in from the lab after you’ve mailed in your hair sample. This process can take a couple of weeks.

The HTMA program content will be released over the course of 2 months, you’ll get access to new content weekly. The course content builds on itself and is delivered to help you integrate the action steps you’ll be recommended to take. It’s designed to educate you and give you plenty of resources to work with, as well as to know what to expect on your mineral balancing journey. You will be able to ask questions in the comment section of the lessons any time.

Here is the course content outline:

Welcome Module: How to get started & Create your vision and goals
Module 1: Your # Nutrient Source: Sun Exposure & Circadian Rhythm
Module 2: Hydration: Water & Testing
Module 3: Dietary Recommendations for Slow or Fast Oxidation (Plus, Recipe Library)
Module 4: How to Add In Your Supplements
Module 5: Healing Reactions or Herx Reactions (What they are & what to do)
Module 6: Digestion & Gut Health
Module 7: Getting Started with Gentle Detox
Module 8: Heavy Metals: What You Need to Know
Module 9: Retesting & Additional Functional Testing
Module 10: Mineral Balancing (with HTMA) for Common Health Issues
*Bonus: Training Sessions / + New Content as the need arises.

The modules may have more than 1 lesson as well as several handouts for you to take advantage of.

Once your hair tissue mineral analysis lab results are back from the lab, I will be in touch to schedule your consultation session for review. Prior to your session I will send you my review of your HTMA data for your reference.

During your session we will review your health history and health goals, what the lab results can show about your current health and discuss a game plan to get started with.

After your session, within a week, I will send you my written recommended game plan. This game plan is for you to work on over about a 3 month time frame. During the 3 months you’ll have ongoing access to the online program and can ask questions anytime.

If at any time during the 3 months you run into obstacles or decide you need more support, you can contact me for additional support. This information will be included in the program for you as well.

The HTMA Consultation was created to help clients get targeted information about their health concerns and a plan to work on correcting their health. There are two payment options to choose from.

My HTMA consult + online program may be a fit for you if...

  • You know your lack of understanding about your mineral imbalances is hurting you
  • You want a functional health & nutrition test that covers all your health foundations in one fell swoop
  • You live in the United States. 
  • You need guidance but are also willing to take time to educate themselves with the program. The majority of the work involved is outside of our time together. I will give you numerous tools and info but it’s up to you to utilize them.
  • You are struggling to put the pieces together for their health concerns and want a holistic lifestyle approach.
  • Kids (elementary age and up) the course will need to be utilized by a parent. This works better when a parent and child are both working on HTMA game plans at the same time, See my Mother & Child package below. 
  • You resonate with my approach, which is a whole person approach that includes: lifestyle, stress relief care, dietary adjustments, appropriate supplementation, mindset, gentle detox practices. .
  • You have the following tech : a laptop / wifi and a printer (there are numerous handouts in this program you might want to print out, but you can also download and save them on your preferred device as well).

My HTMA consult + online program may not be for you if ...

  • You are searching for a specific diagnosis for your health before you will take action to follow a plan. *Note: I do not treat, diagnose or prescribe. This is a holistic path to restoring systemic body function.
  • You are not willing to take personal responsibility. This program only works if you take responsibility and do the work. This program can help you experience quick wins for your health but most of the results take time. Healthy habits must be created and sustained over time to experience long lasting and deep results.
  • You have active cancer: this program is better for those who are in remission and ready to rebuild.
  • You are looking for a lab result only to show a different practitioner to work with on. While I am happy to work with clients who are also working with another practitioner, this option is not intended for people who only want the lab results. The majority of this offer goes well beyond just obtaining the lab results. 
  • You know you need outer accountability and 1:1 support to help you facilitate your best transformation. *Refer to my package or coaching options.

My Approach

I help my clients gain a comprehensive understanding of their health through a whole-person approach. This includes making dietary tweaks that align with your current health patterns and concerns, incorporating gentle detoxification support, and creating lifestyle and environmental adjustments that promote long-term well-being. We’ll also use targeted supplementation to meet your body’s specific needs, ensuring a holistic approach that fits exactly where you are on your health journey. Please note that I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. While I am not a "nutritional balancing" practitioner, I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who uses Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis to create individualized mineral balancing plans. Every client’s plan is unique—there’s no one-size-fits-all approach here.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Package

A package includes: 2 written reports, 4 sessions via phone, my online program, the cost of the lab fee, access to my online dispensary (with built in discounts), biweekly client newsletters through Kajabi announcements, email support. *Additional lab review-bloodwork or BiomeFX as needed - cost of labs not included.

If you know you are someone who needs direct 1:1 guidance and feel incredibly overwhelmed with taking on anything new, this option is probably for you. It’s also intended for anyone who may want me to review additional lab work.

The package includes everything the consult options does but the difference is you will receive 4 separate 1:1 phone sessions 

Here is how the sessions are set up: 

Session 1: scheduled right away (within 2 weeks of signing up)
→ In this session, I will review your health history. We will come up with some action steps you can take while waiting for your results. Including how to prepare and declutter so you can set yourself up for optimal success on your 3 month program.

Session 2: to review your HTMA (typically scheduled within 30 days of signing up)
→ In this session, I will explain your lab results and we will come up with your recommended game plan to follow. The game plan will be sent to you via email (usually within 2 business days).

Session 3: schedule within 45-60 days (month 2)
→ to review progress/make tweaks/overcome obstacles OR review additional labs as needed

Session 4: schedule within 75-90 days (month 3)
→ to review progress/make tweaks/overcome obstacles OR review additional labs as needed

The HTMA package option was designed for client who want extra 1:1 support to help avoid overwhelm so they can make progress beyond what they could by doing it on their own. There are two payment options to choose from. Full pay and a 3 pay option. The 3 pay option is listed on the top of the full pay option page for you or at the bottom of this page as well.

My HTMA package might be a good fit for you if:


  • You feel like something is missing. You want to feel vibrant, healthy, and fully alive, but something keeps holding you back. You’re stuck, tired, and know deep down there’s a missing piece you can’t quite figure out. You’ve tried so many things but still don’t feel like yourself, and you can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to your well-being that you just haven’t unlocked yet. You know you’re meant to feel better, but there’s always something just out of reach, leaving you searching for answers.
  • You tend to feel overwhelmed, tackling radical life changes on your own and want the accountability of several sessions to help you more successfully stick with the process and fine tune along the way
  • You crave a simple path to health.
    You're drawn to the idea of healing your body, not through overwhelming, complex protocols, but by embracing a simpler, more nourishing approach. You want to focus on deeply restorative practices that naturally support your body’s needs, where progress comes slowly and steadily through sustainable habits and a deep connection to your own health journey.

  • You want a vibrant, healthy life. 
    You long to feel deeply connected to your body, proud of the care you’ve put into your health. You want your well-being to be an art form, where every choice you make honors your uniqueness and restores balance. You envision a life where your health feels as beautiful and authentic as a carefully crafted masterpiece that’s truly yours.

  • You see potential for healing.
    When you look at your current health, you know there’s more you can do to thrive. You see the value in investing in the right support because you know that with the right guidance, you can unlock the full potential of your well-being and truly begin to feel whole again.

  • You are willing to actively commit for three months: I can’t promise you results in 30 days. But, in three months, you should know whether or not my Membership and my approach are a fit for you. Give me three months where you actively engage in the material and show up for all your sessions. I ask you to give it your all. Give it three months. If you’re not sure enough about me and my approach to commit to this, don’t sign up. 

  • You have the following tech : a laptop / wifi and a printer (there are numerous handouts in this program you might want to print out, but you can also download and save them on your preferred device as well).

My HTMA package may not be a fit for you if:

  • You do not live in the United States. I apologize there are too many mini hurdles to overcome that I don't feel it's fair to offer this level of support to not get the full benefits.
  • You have a habit of signing up for these things and not using them. Anyone not will to commit to the process and stay on track with all 4 sessions over 90 days. Why invest in something you’ll never use?
  • You don’t have the space or time to focus on your health right now. This isn’t a quick fix. You can’t just invest in a supplement or protocol and expect everything to magically fall into place. Healing takes time and effort. It’s a new path forward that requires patience. There will be new things to understand, and you’ll need to learn to listen to your body in a whole new way. This is a journey, not an overnight transformation.
  • If you're rigid about your diet—whether it's vegan, carnivore, or any specific path—and see food choices in black and white, this approach won’t resonate with you. If you’re certain there’s only one "right" way to eat and feel the need to shame or dismiss others who follow a different path, we’re likely not a fit. I believe in flexibility, listening to your body, and embracing a more nuanced, individualized approach to health—one that honors your unique needs rather than adhering to strict dietary dogma.
  • You currently have active cancer; this program works better for those who are in remission and ready to rebuild. 

Not sure the package is right for you? Let's Chat!

I understand that this is a big decision, and you want to be sure it’s the right one for you. If you're considering signing up for my HTMA package but have questions or concerns, let's talk. I want to ensure this is the best fit for your current health goals, and that we’ll work well together. Click the link below to schedule a call, so we can discuss your needs and confirm my availability for all your sessions. Please note that discovery calls are reserved for those seriously considering my package option.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Blood tests give a minute-by-minute reading of body chemistry. This can be essential in an acute emergency where every little change must be monitored as it occurs. The negative aspect of this is that blood test can vary depending upon the time of day, meals eaten, activity levels, even one's mood or emotions at the time of the testing. 
  • Hair testing is an average reading of about 3 months of hair growth. The test is not affected much by daily or even weekly changes. This means the hair test is less useful in minute-by-minute monitoring however it is very useful for detecting long-term patterns. 
  • Blood is maintained at the expense of tissues. 
    Blood minerals are maintained at fairly even levels at all times. Large fluctuations in the blood sugar or mineral or hormone levels could affect many sensitive organs and glands that the blood is in contact with at all times. 
  • If the blood becomes low in a mineral such as calcium, calcium is removed from the bones or other tissues to replenish the blood. A person can have osteoporosis, or demineralized bones, but their blood (serum) calcium levels will be normal. 
  • Serum magnesium can be normal, but a person can have a cellular magnesium deficiency. The same is true for all the minerals. As a result the blood serum is not a good plan to measure minerals. 
  • Hair is an excretory tissue of the body, that is, anything deposited in the hair will be lost as the hair grows and is cut off. Thus, minerals that are deficient are often not deposited in the hair, so that they will be retained. 
  • Hair and other tissues are thus the storage reservoirs for minerals. If the reserves are low, it will show up in the hair long before it will show up on a blood test. This makes the hair an excellent place to measure minerals. 
  • Toxic metals are removed from the blood as fast as possible. They are stored in the tissues of the body, where they will do less damage. For this reason, it is harder to detect toxic metals in the blood, although there are such blood tests. Toxic metals are easier to detect in the tissues such as the hair. 
  • A cellular reading: the site of the metabolism is the cells. Blood is excellent for many tests, but does not measure activity directly at the cellular level. The blood is the "highway" of the body. The cells are the chemical factories of the body. The final destination for all vitamins, minerals, sugars, fats and hormones is the cells, not the blood. It makes sense to measure the cells directly to determine whether these substances are actually reaching their final destination. 

Only about a teaspoon of hair growth is needed for hair analysis, an amount that can easily be collected from the crown and/or nape area of your scalp without being obvious. A scale is provided in the test kit to ensure the correct amount in collected. The newest hair growth (1/2 to 1 inch) is needed to show what is going on in your body most recently, as hair cut from the ends would show what was happening in your body several years ago depending on hair length.

The portion of hair to be collected should be untreated, i.e. not permed, dyed or bleached. If all of the hair has been chemically treated, wait until sufficient new virgin growth has emerged to allow collection. The hair should also be free of all gels, oils and hair creams prior to sample collection. For those individuals environmentally and/or occupationally exposed to external contaminants, (welding, mining, etc...) special care should be taken to limit exposure between washing of the hair and the collection of the sampled hair.

I teach you how to prepare the hair before taking a sample inside the program -generally speaking it's about 8-10 regular shampoos from the time of the treatment that need to be done before a clean sample can be taken to submit to the lab. 

Scalp hair is the only source recommended for analysis. Pubic and other body hair should only be used as a last resort if scalp hair is not available.

Back or chest hair in bald men can be used. 

Note: Pubic and other body hair is only recommended for confirmation of elevated toxic metals found in the scalp hair and/or to rule out external contamination of the scalp hair.

If you have recent blood work within the last 1-2 months that is relevant to your current health I can review that if you choose to sign up for the HTMA package option. 

I do cover what bloodwork I recommend  in the online course and will make suggestions as needed for additional testing after consulting with a client. 

The only two labs whose graph results I am well versed in reviewing are Trace Elements or Analytical Research Labs. The name of the lab will be at the top of your results. 

I do not work with any other labs than these two. If you have RECENT results received within the past 1-3 months and would like me to work with me - you can sign up HERE
(*the cost of the lab fee is deducted). 

I have my own online dispensary that you will be able to order supplements through at a discount. I work with numerous brands and I work with each client to ensure we find products/forms they can use. All of your supplement recommendations will be included in your written game plan with a link to where you can find them in my dispensary for ease of purchase. 

You will be asked to list your current supplements, brands, doses, types on your client health questionnaire. When I review this paperwork and create your plan I will do my best to work with the supplements you have that make sense based on your results. 

I created the program to be very thorough and give you resources beyond our one time consultation. I like to make sure my clients are educated and supported beyond just our 1:1 session together. This is why I do not consult without the program. You do not have to complete the entire program for it to be valuable to you and there is no time limit to complete it by. 

The primary costs is your consult or package and any supplements you are recommended. 

Many people can pair back their protocols to save money. 

Any other costs are up to you, but those could be recommendations like blue blocking glasses or herbs for an herbal infusions or ingredients for mineral baths. Again those additions are all up to you and can be added on an as needed basis according your finances. 

Retests are also recommended for continuity support and to assess progress and make adjustments. Retests are recommended quarterly the first 1-2 years if possible. Retests can be stretched out to 6 months the first 1-2 years then move to annually. It all depends on your goals, ability to make and sustain changes as well as your finances. 

Retests are $345 they include all the same benefits as the first test minus one report. 

Yes, I do offer a family plans. 

I first recommend mom's start first with 1 kid (elementary school age and up) - learn more about that option HERE

Beyond that, you may book a discovery call to discuss your families situation with me HERE.

The basic cost is 1 adult investment of $465 -which includes my online program. Then $345 for each additional family member, with $50 off every 2 members. 

Family of 3 - $1105 : get started HERE
Family of 4 - $1400 : get started HERE
Family of 5 - $1745 : get started HERE

Yes. I am currently working with kids elementary age and up. 

I mostly work with kids and mom together - learn more HERE. 

However, if you want me to work with just your child alone I suggest the HTMA consultation option and that a parent utilize the course material as well as benefit from the weekly client emails. 

Questions about your child's situation ; [email protected]
Let me know more about what your child is dealing with, what you are hoping to accomplish and I will share if I am able to support you, 

I do not take them as payment. My clients with Health Savings accounts or Family Savings accounts pay out of pocket then submit their receipt of purchase for reimbursement. 

Yes. HTMA is an excellent way to assess bone health.
Osteoporosis, or demineralization of the bones, can often be prevented and even corrected. Hair analysis and nutritional therapy with mineral balancing can help determine the cause and guide correction of the tendency for osteoporosis.

I offer a few options to support you through HTMA

HTMA Consult


One payment

Join now and get instant program access.

Sign Up Today!

HTMA Package


One payment

Join now and get instant program access and book your 1st session! 

Sign Up Today!

Mom & Child


One payment

This includes 2 HTMA consults for a mother and 1 of her children. 

Sign Up Today!

Need to address chronic gut issues?

Check out my Minerals & Microbes package where I include an additional functional test called BiomeFX that looks at the function and dysfunction in the gut so we can get to the roots of your chronic gut issues too


50% Complete

Two Step

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