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How To Have A Grounded Focus In Your Life

I let so many things go over the years due to the toxic marriage I was in, as well as no sense of purpose or vision. Not to mention, the toll having babies took on me with all of the above in mind. In light of that for many years of my life, I was literally stuck in survival mode only.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and I LOVED the baby years. But the truth was it sucked the life out of me more than I ever could imagine. I lost a lot of my motivation and passion along the way.

Once I was out of that situation, as well as settled on my own with the kids in school, I was able to start to shift my energy and focus. It was time to balance life back out again.

What happens when you end up ‘stuck in the mud’ or ‘survival mode’ is your nervous system ends up stuck too. You can swing too far out of balance and end up in an unhealthy parasympathetic mode. In this case, you may find it harder to shift out of and become motivated.

Let's talk about how your body...

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Reasons Your Adrenals LOVE Minerals For Energy

Hello, I'm Lydia and I am recovering from adrenal exhaustion.

For those of you who don't know what that even means, let me explain.

As a single mom, recovering from post traumatic stress from divorce and raising 4 kids on my own, my body has gone through a lot. The more stress you endure (including trauma), and the more kids you have, the more you burn through your bodies mineral reserves.

The more the minerals burn out of your body, your energy does too.

You see, minerals are your bodies spark plugs. Without them, you literally lose your 'spark', or energy.

Your body can't make minerals itself, you have to get them in your food and water. But these days, the food and water aren't really sufficient either. Conundrum for sure.

Suffice it to say, I had to rebuild myself from that deep exhaustion that set in after I left a toxic situation. I've been focused on supporting my health with minerals for over 9 years now and my health would not be where it is without them.

That shared, I...

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How To Really Boost Your Energy With Detox Baths

In my last post, 'Why Detoxing in the Fall will actually make you energetic', I explained why detoxifying your body can actually help to boost your energy. The same is true for detox baths. They help to deeply clean out toxins to encourage deeper healing so your cells can function optimally. And when your cells function optimally, YOU will have more energy. It's a win-win!

So, I thought in this post I'd share with you the top reasons I do detox baths and what I use in them to support my body being able to heal deeply. Detox baths are also really great for relaxing, releasing tension and encouraging deeper sleep.

Detox baths are an excellent way to promote cleansing and can be done regularly -even daily. Any form of chronic illness or fatigue, allergies included, is a sign of a sluggish and overloaded liver. Sweating is your body's natural way of detoxifying. Soaking in hot water can assist in pulling harmful toxins from your skin.

You can assist elimination of toxins through the...

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How To Get Sparked Back To Life with the Magic of Minerals

It was the fall of 2014, just over 5 years after I had officially become a single mom. I had been trying to get my business off the ground and running, while dealing with the aftermath of a messy divorce and PTSD. I was beyond burned out.

In spite of all my best efforts to clean up my health, I was still struggling with exhaustion. I found myself crashing down after every single stressful event in my life. I was barely surviving. While I had come a long way in my health during those 5 years, it was hard to fully recover and stay steady; in my energy, mood, emotions.

I was so depleted that the stress would pile up and impact my physical health in extreme ways. Like the time, I bent over to pick up a sock in my bedroom and threw my back out and it took 4 other adults to step in for almost a week to help me manage my kids and household. Then there was the time, I had a mini panic attack while taking a bath that induced an asthma attack and I had to call an ambulance.

I was beyond...

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