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The Dirt on Humic/Fulvic Supplements: A Rewilded Perspective

The Dirt on Humic Supplements: A Rewilded Perspective

Do You Really Need Those Spendy Humic/Fulvic Supplements? My Rewilding Journey

Scrolling through my social media lately, I couldn't help but notice the explosion of trendy humic and fulvic acid supplements promising everything from gut healing to cellular repair. With price tags often starting at $30-40+ per bottle, I had to wonder: are we paying premium prices for something our ancestors got for free?

What Are These Magic Dirt Molecules?

Humic and fulvic acids are complex compounds created when bacteria break down plant matter in soil. They're essentially the "communication network" of healthy soil - helping nutrients move between plants, bacteria, and fungi in that rich underground ecosystem we rarely think about.

Our ancestors consumed these compounds daily through unwashed vegetables, drinking from springs, and their generally closer relationship with the earth. Today, with our filtered water and triple-washed produce, we've ...

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Mineral Foundations: Horsetail, Silica & Your Structure

Mineral Foundations: Horsetail, Silica & Your Structure 

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*The following blog is a summary of what I shared in the podcast, there is much more depth in the episode you won't want to miss. 

The Ancient Wisdom of Horsetail: A Silica-Rich Foundation for Structural Health

There's something truly magical about working with a plant that dinosaurs once walked among. Horsetail (*Equisetum arvense*) has remained virtually unchanged for over 300 million years, making it one of our most ancient plant allies and a living fossil connecting us to Earth's primordial wisdom.

In my practice and personal healing journey, horsetail has become a foundational herb I return to again and again, particularly for its exceptional silica content. As the tissue salt traditionally associated with Sagittarius energy, silica provides that perfect balance of flexibility within strong boundaries—something many o...

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The Pause That Heals: How Slowing Down Transformed My Chronic Symptoms

I can still remember that hike with my friend. She wasn't just any friend—she was the kind of person who truly listened, who carried this remarkable calm with her everywhere. A yoga teacher and breathwork facilitator, she embodied the practices she taught.


When we started up the trail that day, I was a mess. My breathing felt labored, and that familiar tightness was creeping into my chest. After decades of respiratory issues and a history of asthma, I recognized the warning signs. My body was preparing to betray me again, or so I thought.


"I don't know if I can do this today," I told her, explaining my breathing concerns between strained breaths. We were walking uphill, and I was already struggling—not just physically, but with the mounting anxiety that comes from feeling your breath become unreliable.


This was during that impossibly difficult period of my life—living in our mold-infested home, trying to grow my business while raising four boys on my own. Stress wasn't just...

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Spring Clean Your Health: Transitioning from Winter to Spring

 Season 2: Episode #2: Spring Clean Your Health: Transitioning from Winter to Spring

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YouTube HERE


As we stand just two weeks away from the official start of spring, I find myself in the midst of a familiar dance – transitioning away from winter habits and embracing the freshness of the upcoming season. This shift isn't just about changing our wardrobes; it's a full-body recalibration that affects how we eat, move, and feel.

Every time we enter a new season, our bodies need time to adjust. Spring, in particular, offers a beautiful opportunity to shed the heaviness of winter and embrace lighter, cleansing foods. It's nature's way of hitting the reset button, and I'm here to guide you through this transition.

In my household, we're in the thick of this winter-to-spring dance. On cold, rainy days (like today on the East Coast), we still crave those warming winter foods. But there's also an undeniable pull towards freshness – those vibrant g...

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What is Rewilded Wellness? And how does the body heal itself?


Rewilded Wellness: Nurturing Your Body's Ecosystem - Season 2 Premiere

In the exciting premiere of Season 2, I dive deep into the concept of "Rewilded Wellness," exploring how we can nurture our body's ecosystem for optimal health and vitality.

Find this episode on: 

iTunes [ HERE ] 
Spotify [ HERE ] 
YouTube [ HERE ] 

The Body as an Ecosystem

I begin by examining the idea of our bodies as complex, interconnected ecosystems, much like the natural world around us. Just as a thriving forest needs specific elements to flourish, I explain how our bodies require certain inputs to regenerate and thrive.

The Seven Pillars of Human Health

I remind us of what I believe are the seven crucial pillars for maintaining a healthy body ecosystem:

1. Natural Light and Circadian Rhythms: I discuss the importance of aligning with nature's light cycles for hormone balance and overall well-being.

2. Mineral-Rich Water: I explain how clean, mineralized water supports hydration and cellular function.

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Rewilding Wellness: Decoding Your Body's Hidden Wisdom

Episode #222: Rewilding Wellness: Decoding Your Body's Hidden Wisdom 

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YouTube HERE

Welcome back to A Joy To Be Me! 
My 5 year anniversary of the podcast is February 14th. The version of me that started this podcast has evolved significantly. While it's still a joy to be me, that joy has immensely deepened as I've stepped more fully into my true self. The past five years have been challenging in ways I can't fully describe, but as they say, breakdown often leads to breakthrough.

I've experienced a change in identity and my entire way of being, allowing me to become more of my authentic self, grow in awareness, and build resilience.

In episode 14 Open up to your amazing beautiful life - in the heart of the lockdowns, I chatted with Michale Chatam, we discussed the importance of 'being' - how you exist in your body, how you live, move, breathe, and simply BE. If how you've learned to be isn't aligned with your truest self, if you've been condition...

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Let’s Build Stronger Guts: The Sexy Truth About Fiber & Microbiome Health

Episode #208: Let's Build Stronger Guts: The Sexy Truth About Fiber & Microbiome Health

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Listen on Spotify HERE. 

In this episode I take a dive into a topic that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves but thankfully it’s starting to -  is absolutely crucial to your health—fiber. Yes, fiber.

You may have heard it’s essential, but do you really know why? Let’s dig in and talk about the amazing, transformative power of fiber and its relationship with your gut and overall well-being.

But first  . . . I feel like in the holistic health space, it seems like everyone's been searching for solutions to their problems, and for over a decade, the main advice has been: "Just eliminate it."

But short-term relief doesn't equal true healing or recovery. Categorical eliminations galore—cutting out dairy because it’s "bad," going gluten-free because wheat is "bad," actually wait we should avoid all grains, oh and also let’s avoid legumes too  or avoiding a myriad of other plant...

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Rewilded Wellness & The 7 pillars of health


Let's talk about rewilded wellness 

We hear a lot about sustainability these days, especially around food and health. But let’s be real – who wants to sustain a lifestyle that led to burnout? Not me. I didn’t know what thriving felt like until I reconnected with nature. 🌱

Regenerative practices are all about renewal, restoration, and growth. It’s about creating conditions that let us thrive and regenerate rather than just sustain. Imagine leaving everything better than you found it. ✨

In health and wellness, this means promoting holistic healing and enhancing our body’s natural ability to repair and renew itself. So many people struggle to just sustain their current lifestyle, but there’s so much more out there, friends.

My mission is to leave everyone who visits my page or listens to my podcast better than before. If I can plant seeds of inspiration and wisdom to help you create better conditions in your life, to go beyond just surviving, then I’ve done my job.

Nature shows us how to l...

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Spring Rewilding: What if the root cause is . . .

# Episode 198: Spring Rewilding & What If the Root Cause Is...

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Hello, my friends! I hope you're all enjoying spring now that we're in the midst of it. The plants are truly emerging from their winter rest, and by now I bet most of you have as well. I've been savoring the spring—it has been such a joy to re-witness all the plants in full bloom.

This weekend, I spent time on a little off-grid plant immersion, embarking on an epic barefoot hike with my dear friend (and foraging mentor) Ian. Together, we discovered an abundance of wild edibles, both familiar favorites and exciting new finds.

We came across an amazing patch of ramps—so plentiful! The wood nettles are already coming in, and we gathered a bunch of stinging nettles along with two varieties of horsetail.

I've been incorporating wild greens into my meals every day. Even my kids are getting more excited about them—my 16-year-old was thrilled to discover that I ca...

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Spring clean your health naturally

Episode #195 : Spring clean your health naturally 

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Spring Clean Your Health Naturally: A Guide to Seasonal Wellness

As the first blossoms of spring emerge, it's time to shake off the winter sluggishness and embrace the season of renewal. In our latest podcast episode, we delve into how we can work with spring to cleanse our bodies naturally, focusing on liver and gallbladder health. Building on last year's conversation about spring nutrition and natural detoxification, we're exploring even more ways to align with the season's energy.

Shifting from Force to Flow

This spring, let's move away from forced detoxes and harsh cleanses. Instead, we're embracing the natural rhythms of the season. By tuning into the longer days, milder temperatures, and fresh spring produce, we can support our body's innate cleansing processes.

Taking Inventory

Before we dive into spring cleaning our health, it's crucial to take stock of where we are. Here ar...

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