Mineral Foundations: Essential Building Blocks for Lasting Health. Register Now!

The Balanced Art of Biochemical Healing: Building Foundations Before Fixing Problems


A Balanced Approach to HTMA Practice

Practitioners frequently reach out to me seeking guidance on how to learn more about Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), largely because I previously taught an HTMA online program. I'd like to share some perspective on what I was looking for when I was just beginning, as well as how I can support those seeking deeper knowledge in this field.

Listen to this blog post on my Rewilded Wellness podcast as well. 

Season 2: Episode 5- Practitioner to Practitioners: An Ethical Foundation-First HTMA Approach

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My Journey to a Balanced HTMA Approach

When I first started exploring minerals, I carefully evaluated different teachers' approaches to determine who I wanted to learn from. What helped me most was understanding the fundamental principles first and considering others' approaches thoughtfully rather than accepting them without question.

Dr. Malter stood out as the most neutral and gentle teacher at the

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Spring Equinox Wisdom: How to Build Mineral Foundations That Last

Spring Equinox & Mineral Foundations: The Missing Link in Your Wellness Journey

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As the spring equinox approaches, nature is revealing one of its most powerful teachers – the perfect balance point between darkness and light. This isn't just a date on the calendar; it's nature's New Year, a crucial transition that affects every living thing, including your body.

While many of us associate spring with cleansing, renewal, and fresh starts, there's a fundamental aspect of this season that modern wellness approaches often overlook: the critical need for mineral foundations.

This post accompanies my latest podcast episode,"Spring Equinox Wisdom: How to Build Mineral Foundations That Last" where I dive deep into this connection. Here, I'm sharing some key insights and visual tools to complement what you'll hear in the episode.

The Mineral Orchestra: How Elements Work Together in Spring

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Vitamin E: The Seasonal Key to Cellular Repair and Mineral Balance

 Season 2: Episode #3: Vitamin E: The Seasonal Key to Cellular Repair and Mineral Balance

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In today's world of processed oils and year-round food availability, we've lost touch with one of our ancestors' most crucial nutritional patterns: seasonal consumption of complete vitamin E complex foods. As a mineral balancing practitioner, I've discovered that returning to these ancestral eating patterns provides powerful support for cellular repair, particularly for clients recovering from years of damaged fat consumption—just one of the many modern challenges we face, but the one I'm highlighting today.


As we transition into spring, I'm adjusting my own food and supplements based on my latest HTMA results—a practice I follow each season. This approach aligns with my personal rewilding journey and the core philosophy of rewilded wellness: slowing down, creating space, and restoring connection to what truly matters.


Many of us...

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Mercury: The Silent Saboteur of Your Nervous System

Episode #220: Mercury: The Silent Saboteur of your nervous system 

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Hello, my friends, and welcome back to *A JOY TO BE ME*! I hope you're finding joy in being you. Today, I’m diving right into the heart of our episode, building on the themes from my last two episodes: “Healing Burnout: How Mothers and Environment Shape Our Health” and “How Maternal Microbiomes Charge Immune Health.”

I want to help you see the long history of factors shaping our current health paradigm, especially regarding chronic health issues. Understanding these influences can lead to deeper healing.

Personally, reflecting on what has shaped my health and that of my children is invaluable, particularly as we see the rise of nervous system regulation concepts. I want to avoid falling into the trap of new labels that distort our reality, create disempowerment, or lead us into victimhood. 

While it’s true that our current environment has caused overload, this d...

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Reclaiming the Health of Our Kids: A Journey Through HTMA, Nutrition, and Holistic Parenting

As parents, our primary focus is always the well-being of our children. But in a world where modern stressors, nutrient-deficient diets, and a fast-paced lifestyle have become the norm, ensuring our kids' health can feel like an uphill battle.

In this episode, I dive deep into the topic of reclaiming our children's health through a holistic approach, centered on the principles of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), mindful nutrition, and the power of love in parenting. Listen here: Reclaiming the health of our kids.

The Reality Check That Changed Everything

One of the toughest challenges we face as moms is the realization that our children might be suffering from the same burnout we are experiencing. I had a serious wake-up call when I began using HTMA to assess my family's health. My youngest son, who was emotionally reactive and hyperactive, showed a pattern that society might quickly label as ADHD.

However, through HTMA, I identified it as a 'hyperkinetic' pattern—a sign that his n

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Revive Your Resilience: Discovering Your Inner Authority in the Modern World

Your Support Matters: If you find value in my podcast and feel inspired to contribute, I humbly welcome your donations. While they are not expected, they are greatly appreciated and make a significant impact on my work. You can donate through PayPal or Venmo by clicking on the links provided at the top of the show notes in every episode. Thank you for your generosity and for helping me continue creating meaningful content for you

Listen to the podcast episode on Spotify [ HERE ] / iTunes [HERE] or find it just about anywhere else you tune in.


Greetings, dear readers & listeners! As we venture into the heart of summer, I hope you're relishing every opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonders of nature. Personally, I've been diving headfirst into my rewilding journey, delighting in the taste of freshly picked blackberries, feeling the mud beneath my feet, and even embracing encounters with the frogs, snakes, and other creatures that share the woods with me. It'...

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The Mineral Balancing Connection to ADHD

Listen to episode #116: The Mineral Balancing Connection to ADHD

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In this episode I explore the fascinating world of mineral balancing and its connection to ADHD. This blog post delves deeper into the insights gained from my interview for the HerBrain summit and my experiences with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA).

The Zinc-ADHD Connection: One of the most intriguing findings discussed during the interview was the potential link between zinc deficiency and ADHD symptoms. Research suggests that zinc supplementation can lead to a significant reduction - up to 30% - in ADHD medication dosage. This highlights the importance of assessing zinc levels and the zinc/copper ratio in individuals with ADHD.

Understanding ADHD as a Spectrum: It's crucial to recognize that ADHD is not a singular condition but rather a broad label encompassing various symptoms such as:

  • Poor attention span
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Distractibility

These symptoms may stem fro...

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How your body adapts to stress [ & why it matters ]

Episode #151: How your body adapts to stress [ & why it matters ] 

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In this episode: I talk about STRESS and how our bodies adapt in light of it. 

First off, stressors aren’t always BAD, BUT if you’re already carrying a ton of stress or your body has been depleted slowly over time due to stress than a new stress may just easily push you over the edge. 

Sometimes the stressor could even be abrupt dramatic diet changes or detoxes or eradication protocols or trying to go after heavy metals or single pathogens are good examples of this. A stressful attempt to force their body into healing. 

The result can be intense and varied - from anxiety, to sleep disturbances, fatigue, missing periods and SO much more! People don't understand how this can push them over the edge. 

If you remember a stressful. period of your life that permanently reduced some or most of your health - listen up - I'm going to talk about adaptation. 

Our bodies are so amazing in how ...

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What you can learn from your HTMA [ the main components ]

Episode #150: What you can learn from your HTMA [ the main components ] 

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In my last episode I shared that I’d be coming back to expound on components of a hair mineral analysis, in this episode I get into some of the core readings and concepts of this test and work that I do -so you can see how it digs in a deeper way to help guide a path for your current health towards correction

A hair mineral analysis is a HOLISTIC test. It can reflect SO MUCH - such as your heredity, upbringing, lifestyle, diet, drinking water, attitudes, body chemistry, as well as health and dis-ease staes. It reveals an overall picture that is influenced by many factors - this is truly amazing as we simply cannot, nor should not try to separate ourselves up into dissected parts to ‘treat’ because we are all a unique WHOLE and beautifully complex human system. This is why I love this test paired with the mind body coaching work I do because it gives some concrete evide...

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Guest Podcast : Minerals for Libido & Burnout Recovery

My friend Erik Levi invited me back onto his podcast for another chat about minerals. We just let the conversation flow and touch on some pretty common challenges for the average person. I always like to take a big picture view to avoid dogma so we don't get more imbalanced that we already are. I think you will enjoy this video episode, which you can find HERE on YouTube. Or listen to this episode HERE. 

Topics Discussed

  • Minerals for Libido improvement
  • Can’t run hot all the time (IG Clip)
  • Deep work – Cal Newport
  • Can’t be a wellness influencer w. a baby 
  • Women’s Health
  • Transgenerational Response and Trauma
  • Stress burns magnesium and zinc 
  • Difference between table salt and sodium
  • Burn out destroys the libido 
  • Ceruloplasmin and bio-available copper
  • Why zinc doesn’t work
  • How zinc affects calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium 
  • Metal toxicity
  • Adrenals and Back pain 

A couple of years ago, during the height of the 'pandemic' Erik had me on the podcast as well. We chatted a...

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